Opportunities Missed By Many



When I joined Hive I was account number 828 518 so I was way down the pecking order and late to the party. Well over 300 000 have since signed up after me and honestly hope the retention levels are higher with the new accounts joining.

I am hoping the pandemic around the world will vastly increase the awareness of Hive as people explore alternative ways of making an income. Like many on here I never joined for financial rewards but can now see the possibilities of what might become a decent earner over time.

A very apt quote below describes many users who have fallen by the way side.

Opportunity is missed by most people because it is dressed in overalls and looks like work.
Thomas Edison

At some point I expect to see familiar faces returning as users that abandoned this place realise they have no alternatives. Most left as it wasn't the easy money they thought it first was and now have will have to try again realising just by sticking with something you can be successful.

What I finfd the most enjoyable factor on here as long as you are staking is that you are growing no matter what. Every day your account ticks over and something is added no matter how small it all adds up in the end. Over time with patience and hard work you will see the rewards increase and you will then appreciate the marvel of this place.

That 828 518 number is crazy as I often wonder where and why people left. I know now as it is hard work getting going, but what kind of people are they. Do they have cushy jobs somewhere and don't need the money or are they just after a quick buck not thinking about tomorrow. Personally I think it is the latter which is sad as if they had hung around and committed to something then just maybe they would be better off today. The mentality of people today is to move on as the grass is always greener, but one day you will run out of fields and wish you had stayed somewhere a little longer to become something.

Hive teaches you personal things as well like commitment and perseverance which will no doubt change you as a person. Hive has definitely changed me as an individual for the better as I don't see problems, but solutions to everything I encounter on a daily basis. The spin off and reward is not just in my stake but what I am now achieving in the real world. So many things on here can be duplicated on the outside and just wished others could see the opportunities everywhere.

828 064 Is How Many Accounts Were Ahead Of Me 27 Months Ago And Now The Next 453 Wont Be So Easy.

The other 828064 accounts I have passed from 0 to where I am now should in theory be ahead of me or a majority of them anyway. Chances like this come only a few times in your life and in some ways I feel sorry for those that gave up for whatever reason as it shows people are no longer prepared to work at anything to become something or deserve better things.

The appreciation and accomplishment can only build confidence in one self and can see the grit other users have who I engage with daily. Many have similar attributes and most likely the reason why we are all still here. I enjoy this place and don't see this as work as how can you this is fun. The work is in the beginning as you need to learn and learn to grow but what is 6 months or a year as nothing is more rewarding once you are over the original speed hump.


Cryptoandcoffeeeeeee!!!!!! My man!


You've come a long way. Glad to have met you on my journey.

Posted using Dapplr


LOl. I found your photo choice to be quite fantastic for this. The grass is greener on the other side even though it's green on your side as well. LOL
