Success Is All About Having A Plan



The majority in Crypto turn right instead of looking left as the idea of instant wealth is what they are after and it rarely exists.

I do think having a plan and implementing that plan bides success in real life and especially in Crypto investing. If we are all honest with ourselves how many of us have had plans we have stuck to in the past. Looking back at some of my business ventures over the years the scatter gun approach comes to mind as the plan was never stuck to. Whatever happens you have to give it a chance as in many instances it won't be obvious from the start as it takes time to

I believe in Crypto in order to succeed you need to stick to a formula or a plan that works for you that can be replicated no matter what the cycle is doing. We are still so early in Crypto it is scary and in most cases being able to grow and add value is going to happen no matter what. One just has to look at the Crypto influencers on twitter to get an idea that even simpletons have made it work.

This is not rocket science but things will eventually become a little harder to achieve your goals as Crypto matures. Having a plan or formula to how you operate daily will set you up and keep you ahead of the pack.

All of my investment have been placed into various forms of staking that have a compounding feature as that is the key to outperforming everything else that is available. This is kind of weird thinking such long term but in order to achieve the end goals one has to. All I know is that each day I have more and that is very comforting in the long term goal. Time is as important as the stake as this is what generates the wealth.


I think what becomes quite clear over a length of time those that have compounded their investment will be on a different trajectory than those that haven't. Time is the factor that changes everything and why thinking long term is the only way to think. I have seen so many discuss the $10K investment earning $300K in the first 4 years and that is not hard to achieve when sticking to a plan in a market that has bottomed and will only rise in value.

In Crypto long term thinking is very rare as many think 6 months is an eternity as they want their investments to moon and live an easy life. This type of thinking tells you these individuals are not about the Crypto succeeding long term as they are all about the now. Little do they know that if they were patient over the next 10 years their lives would be transformed for ever. Many are immature in their thinking and why the wiser more mature people will out perform many of the millennials.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta


Success is no magic, it takes time for it to come into fruition. An overnight success is a result of years of planning.

I always thought crypto would just make me rich when I begin but the reality is being lived today...
