Doctor Time


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Hello beautiful people, today I would like to share with everyone the superpower I would choose if I was given the opportunity to have one. For I would like to have the superpower and the ability to control time. Having the ability to control time, I would be about to slow down anything, reverse movement and also up movements and time. I can also go back in time and change things with my superpower. With my ability to control time, I can control any situation whenever I pleased.

This are the best ways I can utilize my superpower so I can live an easy life. I could pause time and wake up anytime I want. If I am running and start to fall, I will slow down time and gain back my stand.

With my ability to control time, I would use my superpower to help others in need. I could avoid some deadly situations with my superpower. For example, drivers driving while the red Light is still on. I would use my ability to control time and slow down every moving cars to prevent the accident from happening.

Having the ability to control time would be amazing superpower for to have lol, but it would also affect my lifestyle. Because everyone would depend on me to help them, and I won't have time to live my life the way I want it. All I will be doing is helping people with my superpower, by then denying the life I want to live.

The superpower I would love to have is really amazing ability to have. It will make me known to the world and also gives the opportunities to save people's lives. Having superpower isn't that fun like we think, because there sacrifices you have to make which involves letting go of your normal life. But no matter what, having superpower would be well worth it.


When you control time, you actually have quite a lot of power at your disposal. Unless you want something to happen, then that thing will not happen. But then, the risk of misusing such a power arises. How will you work to avoid falling for that?
Thank you for sharing this with us.
