Why I do not believe in religion? Weekend engagement #147


I do not believe in religion because of lacking of hard evidence. I need physical evidence to support my belief . since religions depends on faith without evidence, I find it hard to accept religions.

I prefer to rely on science and rational thinking to explain the world around me, rather than on religious beliefs to me totally irrational, archaic. Especially the creation story.
I read and watched documentaries about Charles Darwin's theory of evolution contradicting religion.It was more convincing based on a lot of evidence.

Could the creator of this vast universe has multiple whims and personalities? And can he send a heavenly message to every region of the earth different than the other?
So, why these messages conflict? It is more appropriate for him to send same teachings and one unified law for the entire universe and save humanity from different interpretations.
Is this God evil to punish those who transgress against him. This argument can be considered more powerful, since the basic idea is that if there is one God, then it is logical that he sends his divine message clearly and uniformly to all the humans , and the interpretation cannot differ between people due to geographical or cultural differences

Also, the method used in religion where they make children believe in the religion of their parents by indoctrination or coercion to practice a religion raises my objection.

In addition, it amazes me how the Creator of this vast universe why sends a message to the entire humanity in Arabic as in Islam!
How a Chinese youth can understand this language? And if God wants to send a message in Chinese, should I, an Arabic speaker, learn Chinese to understand the message of this Creator?
For example, look at the progress that medicine has made in extending human life.

The owners of the holy books are not ashamed when they practice evasion and fraud by twisting their texts to find a relationship with science, to call this monument a miracle and an indication of the divinity of the source of religions that predict those newly discovered sciences from ancient times.

In the past, they believed that the earth was flat and had limbs, and this was based on religious texts, but science came and proved these assumptions wrong.

One of the funny examples in the Quran is a verse that says: "Until, when he reached the setting of the sun, he found it set in a spring of black muddy (or hot) (or fuming) water. And he found near it a people." This verse does not mean that the earth is only flat, but rather describes the phenomenon of sunset in a specific location and a hot spring nearby!

It is clear that there are many scientific evidences indicating that the Earth is spherical in shape, and has no limbs. Therefore, we must teach our children these facts and encourage them to explore more scientific knowledge.

We can explain to them how modern scientific observations and experiments confirm this fact, and that the evidence available to us now does not contradict what was mentioned in religious books on this issue.

I currently find myself swaying towards alternative beliefs such as animism and humanism, which may provide a different approach to understanding the world and one's role in it than traditional religions.


Yo yo. I see you also not religious. I'm not alone haha. I think nowadays there are more people actually looking into and thinking for themselves then blindly following religion unless somehow they get born into those families that basically pass down their religion without fail.

I think I am also more towards to seeing and believing especially the scientific part but I also do like to believe in karma where bad things happen to you if you do bad things or good things if you do good things. There's no proof that this is real of course but I do find it to be true in most cases from my experience. Anyways have a great weekend!


There are many questionable things in religion for sure and science has come a long way at debunking some of it. The earth is flat and has limbs, that's funny. I must have missed that part somewhere.

I agree that why the creator of it all would prefer one population or another. I shows up in our lives in whatever way we will receive all across the globe...with no limbs I hope, the earth might go for a walk to the sun to find that geyser hehe

In the end, no reason for conflict it's all about loving and accepting one another as cohabitants of this earth.


I like the theory that God is the sun as lots of things revolve around it.
