Belief-Feeling-Certainty the trio to achieve wealth


Seeking economic wealth is the goal of almost all human beings during their lives; but why do many achieve it while many others stay halfway trying?


Rationally speaking...

Rationally, this phenomenon could be explained, that is, we could say that those who do not achieve wealth is because they did not work hard enough, did not make effort enough, did not work intelligently, etc, etc. We could argue millions reasons in this regard.

But reality shows us that most of those who do not achieve wealth, it is not because they do not work hard to achieve it, but rather because they lack something else; they lack a deep understanding of what they must do to achieve wealth.

Because if anything can be deduced from the nature of those who achieve wealth, in contrast to those who remain poor no matter how hard they try; is that the difference between success and failure lies in one thing: the mentality.

What mindset do you have to have to achieve wealth?

Much has been written throughout the history of humanity regarding this subject; but I'm not going to go for the typical "You have to work harder", or... "You have to save" or... "You must outsmart the others to be able to outdo them"...

In fact, the ones I just mentioned are just some very hackneyed tips that many experts give to achieve financial wealth in life. Well, I'm not here today to criticize them or to give them reason. The truth is, I know without a doubt, that what people really need to achieve wealth is the right mindset. Let's remember that all is mind.

The mentality to understand that everything we want in life is in our mind, and in our spirit; and that we must change ourselves, instead of trying to change the world out there, in order to achieve everything we want in life; including economic wealth.

Belief-Feeling-Certainty is the basis to materialize anything in life

Because one of the fundamental bases of alchemy is the Belief-Feeling-Certainty trio. Because it is through the belief that we can achieve success, that we will maintain the mental disposition to do what we must do to achieve what we set out to do. This leads us to the feeling we must have to materialize what we want, because if we want to be financially rich, we must feel like such, that is, we must feel like millionaires (although we are not yet).

Which brings us to the feeling of certainty; because we must feel that we are already millionaires; but we be truly sure that we already are millionaires at the present moment; because it is not about trying to deceive our mind so that it believes something that it is not... Because whoever does it like this, fails to apply the principle of certainty; because to finish applying the trio, we must be completely sure the belief and feeling we have is 100% true.

We must be completely sure that we are already millionaires, and we must understand that magic begins to happen when we really do this. Because when we do so, opportunities, money, and wealth begin to pour in upon us.

When you delve into the study of alchemy, you realize that it is the internal transformation that promotes the change of our reality. Which shows why the majority of people are poor in the world; because every time people believe that they must alter external reality in order to positively affect their internal reality, they are making a misperception, because they are doing the process completely backwards.

In addition, by basic law we know that when we believe, feel and are certain that we are poor, we are creating emptiness, scarcity and, therefore, we are multiplying exactly what we do not want in our lives, that is, poverty.

Because if we feel that we have already achieved wealth, we fill the feeling of emptiness, of scarcity, with fullness and wealth. And the mere sensation of wealth, when we really feel it at a deep level, multiplies our security, and our ability to see wealth opportunities from miles away.

It is for this reason that many people say that the rich are very lucky; because all their desires, achievements and wealth seem to materialize on their own, easily and effortlessly. Well, now we know the reason why this happens.

You do not have to believe these great truths that I am explaining to you now, just try to apply them to your life with seriousness and conviction and you will begin to notice the great and positive changes that you will achieve in your economic life.

As I have said in the past, these great alchemical truths that I have revealed today with this post will not be available to everyone; because for those who do not understand and are not capable of understanding what I explained to you; everything I explain today will be like pure "nonsense verbiage". Because only the prepared ear will understand; because as the saying goes "When the student is ready to learn, the Master appears".

Let's keep an open mind, my friends.

Your friend @Cryptomidas.

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Agreed. If someone believes within their heart of hearts that they are destined to be rich, they will see the opportunities in front of them, and act on them. On the other hand, if you feel you are destined to be poor, those opportunities will not enter your awareness.


I think you are right in what you say, the important thing to achieve what we want in life lies in the mentality. However, reaching that state of belief-feeling-certainty that you mention is not easy at all, at least from my personal experience.

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