Fight for the motivation.



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The idea is to provide a space where people can keep their focus no matter what they're going through. Care so deeply, don't let your focus falter.

Learn to stay present and keep pushing forward. Focus on the present moment and figure out what you need to do. Stay healthy and don't wait for the future because things may not get any better.

Some people say that success is less about how lucky you are and entirely more to do with how determined you are. Successful people tend to enjoy life more than those who fail, so it is entirely the mind set.

Here are four ways that we can look at motivation and determination, according to a psychological study:

  1. Finite Time Angle
  • vision of a motivating object being pursued over an expanse changes in proportion to one’s fear of never reaching it;
  1. Limited Resources Angle
  • one calculates the cost of failure (usually resources);
  1. Interpersonal Resistance Angle
  • obstacles are real only if perceived as such; the perception inherent in interpersonal resistance, ie., motivating oneself through deliberately envisioned interpersonal obstacles which one engages and overcomes;
  1. Success Providing a Reason for Accomplishment Unconcerned with External Opposition Angle
  • dependency on an external reason for productivity unconnected with opposition. But there’s one important thing for sure

Achieving goals is exciting, but it can be difficult to stay motivated during the journey. This section will provide you with advice that will help you maintain your motivation throughout life and also give some guidance on how to achieve sustainable development. There are many reasons why we might stop being motivated as years go by, but there are some practical steps that you can take to ensure that this does not happen.

  • Don’t overload yourself: You should have one definitive goal per day and don’t switch from one goal to another otherwise this can distract you.

  • Stay focused when carrying out tasks: When you start working on a particular task, make sure that you are committed enough so that it doesn't discourage you midway. Set mini-deadlines for these tasks if the main deadline is far in the future and use them as stepping stones towards completion. Things like setting micro goals may seem unimportant at the time, but all of these things add up to significant progress.

Inspiring stories always have a great influence on us. Steven Pressfield's, “Turning Pro” has encouraged and enlighten many people who are struggling for success. "What turns human beings into professionals is their commitment to excellence over a lifetime of study and unpaid apprenticeship."

He then goes on to outline what he believes the traits of successful people are, which includes: persistence, self-reliance, and giving one's sense of self over to mastery.

Persistence and stick-to-itiveness in particular are fundamental traits of all successful people.

Do not lose your focus. Stay on track by staying committed to what you're doing in life. Acknowledge that you don't know everything but remember that education is a lifelong journey, it will never end.

If you are lucky, you are reading this article because you are looking for motivation and inspiration to move forward with your dreams. It could be because of the current state of your life and the changes that need to be made. Or it could be because at some points in life, we all get discouraged and wonder if there is a point moving forward.

It’s hard to find motivation to make these changes. We hear that “you need drive” or “you need willpower” but sometimes these two things feel like they might as well take up much-needed space in our vacant souls. So we try to access them, hauling out old dusty boxes from ‘stuff-that-might-make-us happy land’ in the back corners of our minds, which provides us with little more than yet another disappointment upon realization that toy cars and an inflatable flamingo aren’t really quite doing the trick anymore.

Don’t allow yourself to feel discouraged when you encounter a struggle in life. You will encounter it and it can be a good lesson for you. Stay strong and remember that tomorrow is another day. Learn to look deep within yourself for the strength, determination, and motivation to go on. That’s how we can keep going no matter what obstacles come our way.
