Modern Guerilla Marketing applied by big companies


I was randomly watching some videos earlier and saw one that caught my attention. I learned that big companies are dedicating a large sum of their profit to be spent for marketing. The big companies were spending millions to make their brands stay relevant among consumers. At this time when mostly everything can be copied, it's a lot more difficult to stay relevant without reassuring the customers that you are the only one that they can trust.

Your brand has to be the one that the consumers will remember whenever they need something.

A while ago, I received an email from a supermarket about a magazine that they sending to everyone. I don't even know how they got my email address so I was puzzled that they could reach me through my email.

The email contains infographics about an online magazine and in it are recipes to learn a good way to prepare and cook the ingredients that you bought from the grocery store that issued this magazine.

This is a clever idea to make sure that the customers will rely on the grocery store to learn about cooking and also to purchase supplies. This idea gets me excited because it feels like the Fairprice grocery store is showcasing its brilliant marketing strategy.

One of the attachments to the email is coupons that one can use to get discounts. There are conditions that customers would need to fulfill to claim those discounts.

I find this marketing useful because the majority of the consumers could easily be persuaded into reading the online magazine or even get a physical copy as well. I foresee this kind of marketing to be copied by Fairprice's competitors as well. 1

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