Stay positive


Yesterday, I was feeling down and low-spirited. It's the kind of feeling that I have whenever the things that I expected to be are not turning the way I wanted. I believe it's understandable to have this kind of feeling and disappointment. It's just that some people who can manage it well don't affect them in such a way that they won't function or be able to move forward or even get through it.


So, I did a bit of research on how someone can surpass this kind of challenge in their life.

The one thing that is prevalent with what others suggest is that I should find a way to be grateful. I think it only makes sense that we focus on the good things that are happening instead of the bad ones. I'm sure that among all of the bad things that are happening, there will always be something about our lives that is to be grateful for. Maybe, we just have to find a way to realize it.

When we are too focused on the things that make us feel low-spirited or depressed, we tend to disregard the things that should make us happy about our lives.

As soon as you gather the positive things that are happening in your life then it's time to affirm it for yourself.

According to what people say, the reason why the negativities are prevalent is because we keep affirming it to ourselves. What we should do is to affirm the positive things that are happening in your life instead of the negative ones. By doing so, a shift in mindset will happen.

You have to keep surrounding yourself with all of the positive affirmations so that it will have a lasting impact on your mindset. During this period, it will be helpful if your family and friends are there with you and to support you. This is helpful to make you feel secure about your situation. The people who care about you are the ones that can have a good impact on your overall mindset.

Another thing that always comes up with all of the suggestions is to stay fit and healthy. Regular exercise is a good start. Regular exercise will improve your mood. It may feel difficult at first however, it will become easier over time. There will come a point when you will start wanting to exercise because it will start to feel good and you will also feel good about yourself too.

It may not take a day or a week to change your mindset to a more positive side but it can be achieved with consistent actions. Focus on the solutions and keep going until your overall mindset changes. It's a day-to-day process of setting realistic goals and achieving them.

Stay positive!

(note to self)

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Good thing @curamax you concluded on staying positive. Even me, I'm bitten by the harsh economic situation in my country. Inflation has made it very difficult to even get food for the children. And presently, my rent is due. Couple with my husband's income being low. Thinking on all those could traumatize so, I agree with you: staying positive
