Wednesday Walk: A Sunset is A Blessing


Earlier today, I went to the balcony to check on the weather. It was a pleasant one and I’m glad to see the beautiful warm tint that is breaking above the line of trees. It may seem like a faint appearance of sunset, but I can consider this a nice one. The sky is free from clouds, and it looks like it was painted using watercolors. There’s a good contrast between the brightness of the sky and the silhouette of the line of trees in the foreground. It’s amazing how nature can create this kind of artwork.


There are plenty of things to appreciate in this world. It’s important to take notice of even the mundane things that this life provides for us. One of them is a sunset.

I came up with a short list of why we should set our mind to appreciating the beauty of the world around us even if it’s just the simple things.

We should be thankful

How many times in a day where you have the luxury of time to not worry about life, finances, issues, and the day-to-day experiences that you will have? Our mind is occupied by our worries about money or not having enough money in our bank accounts. Some people are not worried about money but instead, they are simply worried about not having enough of it.

What if you take a break and try to appreciate the simple things like a sunset and forget about those things? We all have challenges in life, but we should not keep on thinking about them until they occupy all the hours in a day.

For me, sunsets help me reduce the complexity of life and its issues which help me get through the day and remain positive for the next days.

Someone once asked me why I always have a positive mindset… I wasn’t sure at first, but I think one of the reasons is the sunset.

Lessen your stresses in life

It may sound foolish to say that thinking about our stresses will give us more stress.

There’s a nice quote from Buddha that I always remind myself whenever I feel like I can’t resolve the issue that I’m dealing with, and it goes this way.

“Don’t stress over the things you can’t change.”

That doesn’t need any interpretation. It has the most direct meaning and I think it’s a strong statement. It is what it is. Some of us can’t accept the fact that there are things in life that we can’t change no matter what we do.

And then there’s another follow-up quote that I also remind myself of when dealing with stress.

”Stress is the gap between our expectation and reality. More the gap, more the stress. So expect nothing and accept everything.”

Many of our stresses are the result of our unrealistic expectations in life. In the same words, we are in control of our stress. We have the power whether we will relieve ourselves from stress or implicate ourselves with more of it.

We feel the world around us

Have you tried staying in your room the whole day and felt like your body needs to see the outside world? It’s as if your body is the one yearning to breathe the fresh air and see the sunset.

That’s your body wanting to connect with nature. We all need to reconnect with the world around us. We can’t stay in the virtual world through our laptops or mobile phones for the rest of our lives. We must feel nature on our skin and feel the reality around us.

The beauty of the sunset can inspire us to be more creative. It can spark new ideas and create a new way to look at the world around us.

The sunset is a blessing.


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