RE: Banks Versus Crypto: The Race Is Heating Up

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I always figured that if the battle between the legacy system and decentralized crypto went long enough, the banking/financial system would end up at an "if you can't beat 'em, join 'em" crossroads where they would simply create their own "versions" of crypto/blockchain and do their best to obfuscate the actual differences between "them" and "us" to such a degree that 95% of the greater public would declare "I'm in crypto" when — in fact — they are still in Barclay's or Bank of America's pocket.

Maybe the time has come for the actual crypto movement to stop "selling crypto" as an idea, and instead sell "the importance of decentralization" because otherwise we're moving down a road towards little more than the status quo, albeit wearing "fancy new dress."


Web 3.0 isnt cryptocurrency. Here is where I think a mistake is made. It is only part of the transformation...actually a small part.

Hence the focus there is missing the elephant. It is why the banks are done. They are fighting the wrong battle.
