Terminator Salvation (Terminator 4) || The robots have a cold face!


I remember watching the first Terminator film made in 1984 in the 1990s when I was probably 11-12 years old. In those days, I had not yet heard enough of artificial intelligence. In fact, in the film, instead of saying artificial intelligence, it was called the consciousness developed by the machines among themselves.

In the following years, machines want to put an end to human domination by developing consciousness among themselves (by having artificial intelligence), I still think the film is still scary even with this narrative. When I first watched it, I didn't understand much about the film and I was very confused.


Watching a robot and a man from the future protect/kill a woman named Sarah Connor living in the present world was seen as a simple subject. The robot wants to kill, the man sent by the resistance wants to protect; because Sarah Connor will give birth to the future leader of the resistance.

It had the best scenes among the films that continued as a chase in those days, and I had a great time with endless action and excitement. But until the fact that the person who came from the future and whose task was to protect Sarah Connor would be the father of the person who gave him this task, my head was confused at that moment and almost wiped out all the joy of the film.

Now I'm still thinking, was it necessary to add so much mystery to a film? Wasn't the plan to come from the future, kill someone living in the present world and change the future mysterious enough?


I'm not as confused as in those days, I already said that I watched it as a child. Also, considering the time that has passed, I know that I have watched the Terminator film many times, but I can't remember the exact number.

Today, there are many researches and films on artificial intelligence. I can accept the films as films and pass them off as films, but I find the cold appearance of artificial intelligence experiments and robots integrated with artificial intelligence as far as they are shown frightening.

It is not known whether the Terminator film will be fully realised in the future, but even if we think positively, we will have to face the fact that people will be replaced by robots.


It may be possible to stop humans at some point by intimidating, discouraging or persuading them, but we know that machines will not stop until they do what they say or fulfil the purpose for which they were programmed. I hope the age of machines will never come and AI experiments will not get out of control.

I guess I'm a bit prejudiced and fixed-minded about artificial intelligence. I can't explain the reason for this with Terminator films alone; of course, the videos I've watched with artificial intelligence experiments have an effect.

Anyway, last night I watched the film Terminator Salvation again. We can also call it Terminator 4, maybe it will be more understandable.


While watching the film, my concerns about artificial intelligence were both refreshed and increased. The future is coming thanks to the ever-advancing time, and we are now living in the dates of the future films of the 80s and 90s.

When someone is sent to the past to change the future, this story seems to go on and on like a never-ending cycle. If it is possible to change both the past and the future by sending someone back to the past or perhaps to the future after every successful or unsuccessful attempt, there is no end to this!

If I have to make a comparison between the first time I watched Terminator and now, I still find the story of the film scary, but I am not as confused as I was when I first watched it. I can put the story on a level ground and understand the fluidity of it. I guess it must be one of the differences between being a child and growing up!

See you in my next article, all content belongs to me. @cute-cactus


The old Terminators were good, but I was scared to be disappointed with this new one


I agree, they even changed the leader of the resistance. Thank you.
