Roadtrip Part 1

Vacation + Roadtrip

How often do you do a roadtrip in your own country?
Its not very often you do that in my country at least :p
So now we do it!

We picked up our friend at 4 pm after her work ans we brought her stuff, so we could drive right after.
We then proceeded to drive down to my parents which is like an hour away and we took a nap haha.
Because the plan was to drive further down to Møns Klint (The Mountain Moens Klint) at night to see the stars :D


Well. Thats the best star picture I got haha. Not the clearest starry night though.

Holy shit, it wasn't as beautiful as I hoped it would be and also phones suck at taking night pictures xD
But the moon looked sick though.
It took us 1 hour and 20mins to get check and we got creeped out by the narrow path covered in bushes and completely darkness surrounding us.

Random note to myself. We drove almost 300km just yesterday. Shit its going to be expensive xD
