El cumpleaños número 6 de Hanna mi Morrocoy. Hanna my Morrocoy's 6th birthday.

Buenas noches amantes de las mascotas espero se encuentren súper bien , hoy quiero presentarles a la última integrante de mi familia de mascotas mi linda Morrocoy Hanna, decidí presentarla ya que está cumpliendo 6 años de edad y en un mes cumple 6 años estando a mi lado y dije que mejor oportunidad que presentarla y que vean un poco se su día a día .

Good night pet lovers I hope you are super well, today I want to introduce you to the last member of my family of pets my beautiful Morrocoy Hanna, I decided to introduce her since she is turning 6 years old and in a month she will be 6 years old being by my side and I said what a better opportunity than to present her and let them see a little about her day to day.


En mi cumpleaños número 22 hace casi 6 años estaba yo trabajando de asistente veterinaria en una clínica en la isla de margarita, cuando llegó una clienta y comentó que estaban dando en adopción responsable algunas Morrocoy bebé que solo tenían 4 semanas de nacidos y estaban buscando un hogar responsable, en lo que mi jefa la doctora le comenta que yo estaba de cumpleaños y si quería un hogar responsable ella daba fé de que yo era una excelente adoptante, entonces la señora se fue y yo procedí a irme a mi casa para preparar la celebración de mi cumpleaños. En la noche cuando llegan los invitados uno de ellos era mi jefa y me dice te traigo un regalo especial; y bueno era mi linda Hanna desde ese día está conmigo y me aseguro de que tenga todas sus necesidades cubiertas .

On my 22nd birthday, almost 6 years ago, I was working as a veterinary assistant in a clinic on the island of Margarita, when a client arrived and commented that they were giving up some baby Morrocoy for responsible adoption who were only 4 weeks old and were looking for a responsible home, in which my boss the doctor tells her that it was my birthday and if I wanted a responsible home she attested that I was an excellent adopter, then the lady left and I proceeded to go home to prepare the Celebration of my birthday. At night when the guests arrive one of them was my boss and she tells me I bring you a special gift; and well she was my beautiful Hanna since that day she is with me and I make sure that she has all her needs covered.



Hace tres años me comprometí y me mudé de casa de mi familia , obviamente Hanna se fue conmigo y mi prometido y yo nos decidimos a construir su linda casa , con un poco de cemento le hicimos una laguna artificial la cual ella disfruta mucho , todos los días en la mañana se saca el agua sucia y se le coloca agua limpia esto se hace diario para asegurarse de que su agua siempre este fresca . Le hicimos con unas tablas dos pequeñas casitas para que ella se refugie del sol y la lluvia , plantamos unas matas de banana para que ella tuviera más ambiente natural y un poco de hierva .

Three years ago I got engaged and moved out of my family's house, obviously Hanna went with me and my fiancé and I decided to build her beautiful house, with a little cement we made an artificial lagoon which she enjoys a lot, all the days in the morning the dirty water is removed and clean water is added. This is done daily to ensure that your water is always fresh. We made two small houses for her with some boards so that she could take refuge from the sun and the rain , we planted some banana plants so that she would have a more natural environment and a little grass .





Su alimentación es muy variada yo consulte con la veterinaria que trabajaba y me dijo que le diera variedad de frutas y verduras, que una vez cada dos semanas le podía dar un poco de carne molida ya que en la naturaleza ellas suelen comer lago de carne de otros animales que han muerto , su fruta favoritas es el banano y su vegetal favorito es la lechuga , hoy desayuno un poco de níspero y ayer un poco de patilla , es algo quisquillosa con los vegetales no le gusta la zanahoria ni la remolacha, siempre trato de darle variedad y que su comida no sea siempre la misma .

Her diet is very varied. I consulted with the veterinarian who worked and she told me to give her a variety of fruits and vegetables, that once every two weeks she could give her a little ground meat, since in nature they usually eat a lot of meat. other animals that have died, her favorite fruit is banana and her favorite vegetable is lettuce, today I have a little loquat for breakfast and yesterday a little watermelon, she is a bit picky with vegetables, she does not like carrots or beets, I always try to give him variety and that his food is not always the same.



Los gatos y los perros la respetan nunca han intentado hacerle nada siempre que llega una mascota nueva a casa me tomo el tiempo de que todos se lleven bien y reine la armonía.

Cats and dogs respect her, they have never tried to do anything to her. Whenever a new pet comes home, I take the time for everyone to get along and harmony reigns.


Y bueno esta es un poco de la historia de cómo Hanna llegó a mi vida y me hace muy feliz tenerla , aprovecho para felicitarla por sus 6 años así que feliz cumpleaños linda Hanna seguramente vivirás muchos más años que yo pero no te preocupes me voy asegurar que cuando yo ya no esté alguien siempre cuide muy bien de ti .

And well this is a bit of the story of how Hanna came into my life and it makes me very happy to have her, I take the opportunity to congratulate her on her 6 years so happy birthday beautiful Hanna surely you will live many more years than me but don't worry I'll make sure that when I am no longer someone always take good care of you.




Ow, Hannah is quite a beautiful Morrocoy. At my uncles house there was a couple of Morrocoys, but unbelievably one of them ran away one day haha, one day she just decided to leave the house and our yard is extremely big, so we never saw her again.

Are you from Margarita Island? Me too :) I miss my island.


Yes, I am from the island of Margarita, thanks for your comment🐢❤️


Que bonita Hanna, es una bendición celebrarle un año mas de vida ❤️
