My passion as young child then and now that am full grown woman


Hello my lovely friends on cent community how are you doing today, hope you are all having a great day and fun time too.

It's really another wonderful and amazing week and month too, today I got us a very special topic of mine and I believe so much that you all are going to love it.

There are so many people who have passion to do so many things in other to expand more in life as to become who they have always wanted to be.

Having passion for something is like having a strong and barely controllable emotions, and also excessively used and almost paired blindingly with work and most at times if you ask around you will find out that not everyone can get perfectly what passion is.

Because when you look deeply it still points that strong feeling and it's either for something or someone, growing up as a child and now that am a full grown lady I have always had passion for helping people around who are not able to make out for themselves responsibly as an individual.

Yes they say, every body has dream or goals instead if I can really prefer, because having a passion for something means you must have a focus doing something that makes you happy without having regret of what you are doing.

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Passion involves having a desire to do something unique as well as making you embrace possibility, passion involves you suffering for what you truly love as an individual. In life you can choose and change your actions as to show you are responsible for every consequences.

Passion makes you to make a conscious decision forgetting other enjoyable activities. That's why I find it so good to help one another. Purpose fuels passion.

Happy New month dearies

Thanks for reading my post it's your friend @damsel001 do have a nice day and fun time too.💚💚💚💚💚💚💚♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️😋😋🥰🥰🥰🥰😍😍
