[ESP/ENG] Cuidando mi gallo/ taking care of my rooster.


Buen dia amigos, espero la estén pasando muy bien, el dia de hoy les hablaré sobre mi gallo el cual creció muy rapido y ya tengo varias crias de el.

Es de raza piroco y lo compre desde pequeño, siempre le doy alimento al igual que maiz, es necesario hacerlo para que las crias no tengan problemas al nacer.

Un gallo es importante en un gallinero, ademas se debe tener uno de repuesto, asi nos vamos a asegurar que todos los huevos sean fértil.

Good morning friends, I hope you are having a great time, today I will talk about my rooster which grew very fast and I already have several offspring of it.

It is of the pyroco breed and I bought it since I was little, I always give it food as well as corn, it is necessary to do it so that the pups do not have problems at birth.

A rooster is important in a chicken coop, you should also have a spare, so we are going to make sure that all the eggs are fertile.


Es un buen padrote y cela mucho a las gallinas, siempre las protege de cualquier animal que las quiera atacar.

Ya tengo unas gallinas hechadas en el nido como se dice coloquialmente, y faltan pocos dias para que los huevos eclosionen.


He is a good pimp and is very jealous of the chickens, he always protects them from any animal that wants to attack them.

I already have some chickens made in the nest as they say colloquially, and there are a few days left for the eggs to hatch.

