Relationship Abuse: Should I stay or leave?

Jessy screamed , within seconds she had picked up a fruit knife,she didn't even think twice before letting it in on Troy's tummy.
Troy fell to the ground as blood spilled,death throes escaped his lips as he breathed his last.
Jessy stood over his body as everywhere fell silent. Her nightmare was silent; for ever, she had endured enough. She quickly took a bedsheet and wiped off all the blood on the floor. She brought a mop and a mop-bucket and cleaned up the mess.



Seven years of abuse, assault, rejection, maltreatment, she had endured, she went through a whole lot so she could be up on the ladder of wealth, but after everything worked out,the story changed,her relationship became a nightmare. She thought she would never wake up till this moment.

Troy had ruined her life so much,she'd lost a baby ,a job at the company of her choice,a car gift from a childhood friend, she almost lost her eye, and her index finger; well it was nowhere to be found. He had cut it off one time he tried to stab her , she had escaped narrowly.
Yay! she'd have to pay the price for murder, but then he paid the price for making her die before dying, yes he killed her with abuse,her emotions, everything that meant so much to her had to end .His life had to end so hers could begin, she didn't have remorse written on her face,at least, she was free for a moment of her life, taking her bag, she stuffed some clothes inside, put some of her personal things and left, it'd take a little while before the police will find her.

Abuse in relationships, it's not a fair thing. It's not a new thing in the society anymore.Anyone can be a victim, weather a man or a woman,sad thing is it's predominant among the women, women go through a lot in some relationships, sometimes they stay because of what comes out of the relationship, kids, shelter, financial support etc.

They don't mind the beatings,the punches,the deprivation of rights,they just want that shoulder to lean on, but it's hard to snap out of the bubble of abuse and feel loved by anyone.
How about men who have lost their ego to women who don't have empathy or respect, men whose wives excel more,some of these women override men .
If you feel abused in any relationship,the best thing to do is snap out of it,back off,or you'll lose a lot,or lose yourself as well.

A relationship is supposed to be two people who think it should be filled with love, with care, compassion and respect for each other.
This way abuse can be reduced.
Abuse could be emotional, verbal, physical too. No one deserves to be abused

Treat everyone right.

One day the world could get to be a better day.

