Click this post take a moment to think with me


Often I will come back to questions that I thought before, again and again. this exercise I like to call thinking about thinking.

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I started intentionally thinking about thinking when proof of brain started on hive and we began this mental process of thinking for the sake of thinking I mean it's always been this way on the chain because we understand what human meaningful efforts are.

I think what's also important is engaging with people and having meaningful conversations like the one that I just had. And now I'm off!

And it was a conversation that will definitely need some follow up we just had a great moment and I hope that in the long run miss this friendship will blossom into perhaps even more success!

So back to the premise which is thinking about thinking.For the 1st few months I was trying to figure out if I could spend more time thinking about thinking and get any benefit.

I discovered 2 things, firstly that thinking about thinking was a good exercise and that I was getting some benefit from it.

The 2nd thing I discovered was that I spent less time thinking about thinking that I expected that I could. In fact I could check and it's probably been at least 6 months since I last thought about this question..

And the other problem with it is that while thinking about thinking sounds like a very productive use of time, simply thinking for the sake of thinking is not that useful.

I've been reading a lot of towest literature and I've realize that thinking is actually not something you should do at every moment of every day..

Machines do this and I've been raised to be a machine of course but realistically the happiness in my life will greatly increase if I think less.

Less is not never but if I start to increase the amount of time that I spend not thinking then the quality of the time I spend thinking should increase as well.

So what is thinking about thinking mean? It means to inquire about the thinking itself. Who does the thinking? What am I thinking? Am I thinking correctly? Can it still be beneficial to think incorrectly?

Many people think about things all day long that are no good for them. And yet they still lead successful lives. How is this possible?

Some people undoubtedly think all the right things and yet are still unsuccessful.They must then be thinking wrongly about such right things.How many of the things I spend my time thinking about are completely useless? Probably everything.

So how do I spend more time thinking about things that are good for me rather than the then the thinking about things that are not to my benefit?

I hope that by spending a little bit of time thinking about thinking I can I'm thinking I can determine which is which and maybe make some progress or at least come up with a new question.

What does thinking about thinking mean to you? Have you had any thoughts lately?


Good reflection.

Many people think about things all day long that are no good for them.

De careful with duality its not really realistic to depict something as light or dark, good or bad. Its speculative, because thinking deeply about anything will provide insight into the topic, which could have a undiscovered meaning.

So how do I spend more time thinking about things that are good for me rather than the then the thinking about things that are not to my benefit?

Risk assessment with a healthy dose of realism, regardless of what spirituality you have, will your soul or god judge you for being realistic about the complex situation in human society in the current day.

What does thinking about thinking mean to you? Have you had any thoughts lately?

I last thought about thinking about thinking when i was wondering what the twitter executives actually banned Alex Jones over, i wish i could hear that conversation recorded when they had the actual executive decision to ban @infowars on twitter.

Elon has brought free speech into the lime light, even though i am annoyed with his public image its better to talk about free speech than half the other bullshit in the media.



Thanks for the great response. Light and dark must be balanced in the center of the brain. If I think too critically or too abstractly I am off the mark. Truth lies somewhere in unifying the opposites. Also if you don't sleep enough everything can get thrown off in the body and then the mind so rest that SNC. Thinking about thinking is just a philosophical exercise to see what new questions pop up. The more I think about thinking, the more opportunities I have to discard thought patterns that are not helpful and consider what might be more useful thinking.

Considering Facebook has flagged 2 pre-2017 memes this week, I might be using Twitter a lot more and of course Hive.


I don't plan on using Twitter unless the allow the entire infowars staff back on. Even 1 voice left out, and I am not using it.

All I do on Twitter is shit post because the people who use Twitter are sub human waste imo. It's low quality short form for mass marketers, and doesn't serve a purpose to the indivual unless there is no content Moderation.

I will be saying nigger in a Twitter status soon and I will be judging the censorship at face value.

I'm not just going to say nigger either, I am going to comment it on a famous rappers following and make sure it's in context with the rap industry.
