LukeIsAlive - Luke is Sad because I was not Consistent


I missed a day this week doing the Scavenger Hunt. Since I did not do the scavenger hunt, I did not login to the ClickTrackProfit website. The Calendar is a way to show proof of the consistency that I have or do not have. It is not that hard to log in to a website however I did not do it.

CTP Calendar.PNG

Finding Luke Screenshots

This afternoon, I was able to complete the Scavenger Hunt by finding Luke 5 times. I started in Westacre which was occupied by Pistol Packing Mama then rotated between Pistol Packing Mama and Cup of Traffic.

Start Westacre occupied by Pistol Packing Mama.PNG
I started surfing at Pistol Packing Mama and surfed 43 pages. Once I found Luke, he traveled to Bluebarrow which was occupied by Cup of Traffic.
Luke First Find.PNG
I surfed 47 pages at Cup Traffic to find Luke. Then Luke traveled to Westacre which is occupied by Pistol Packing Mama.
Luke Second Find.PNG
I surfed 43 pages at Pistol Packing Mama finding Luke but he traveled back to Bluebarrow occupied by Cup of Traffic.
Luke Third Find.PNG
I surfed 47 pages at Cup of Traffic to find Luke. Luke had traveled back to Westacre which is occupied by Pistol Packing Mama.
Luke Fourth Find.PNG
I again surfed 43 pages at Pistol Packing Mama finding Luke and completing the hunt.
Luke Completed Scavenger Hunt.PNG

Campaign Tracking

My campaign tracking stats for Start Earning Today provided by HitsConnect. Overall, I am receiving 64.9% unique traffic at all sites. My highest unique traffic is 89.4% at Boot Scootin Traffic. My lowest unique traffic is 40.0% at Pistol Packing Mama.

HitsConnect as of 01-05-22.PNG

Sites Advertised With Credits Earned

ClickTrackProfit - An Affliate Marketing Training Program

Start Earning Today - Several Programs from which you can earn Crypto

The Hive Guide - A Training Program for the Hive Platform

Traffic Exchanges Used to Earn Credits

Cup Of Traffic

Pistol Packing Mama

Boot Scootin Traffic


Well done completing the Scavenger Hunt @darmst5339, you have earned 8 tickets for the daily and weekly drawing.

Made in Canva

@maddogmike - Game Master

#LukeIsAlive contest - win daily and weekly prizes

Made in Canva and RoundPhoto
