The Expensive Wine Wahala

It was so busy at the office today but at the same time, it was surprisingly so hilarious. To be honest, I can't remember the last time I laughed so hard and I am glad I was able to laugh out the stress of today. I just wish everyday can be like today, but I guess it's not within our power to make it be the way we want it. However, we will keep hoping for better days.
So my people, let me tell you about an incident that happened at work today that made us laugh out so loud. I wouldn't want to bore you with the other incidents that occurred and that's why I carefully picked this particular one even though others also made up laugh.

I was so tired around 2pm, and I was trying to complete a customer's work before resting when a customer walked in looking really upset. I was forced to ask him what the problem is since I had never seen him in that state before. He didn't reply at first but after sometime, he shared this crazy story about what went down with his brother and how he is currently looking for 250,000naira to settle the debt his brother put him into. Let me break it down.

It happened that my customer asked his brother to keep a bottle of wine for him. But guys, this is not just any wine. This is the kind of wine they call the "Champagne of the Royals," and it's worth a whopping 250,000 naira. Wine, 250,000 naira? Wow!

Now, here is where things took a bad turn. My customer vividly told his brother to keep his hands off that wine. He even emphasized that the wine wasn't his own and that he was meant to keep it for a friend. But you know how things go down in Naija, right? His brother didn't have a clue about the true value of the wine. So, when his friends came visiting, he decided to entertain them with the wine.

My customer's brother and his friends kept sipping the wine as if it was water. My customer said he saw them with glasses but he thought there were sipping some regular drink like Zobo and he never thought his brother would use the wine to entertain his friends. He didn't even think twice about it.

You can imagine my customer's face when he found out they were actually drinking the "Champagne of the Royals." it was just like a movie scene. He said his face squeezed up as if he just tasted bitter leaf. He got so furious, called up his brother to the room, and started venting his anger on him.

The person who gave him the wine is now on his case, saying he wants his wine back. Now, that's some serious wahala, my people. What is he going to do?

As he was sharing this story, I tried so hard not to burst into laughter. I really don't know seriously. You need to see his face. He was just asking himself where he will see that kind of money to pay for the wine. What got me to burst into laughter was when he said that the village people pushed his brother to drink a wine that's more expensive than his house rent and his house rent is due at the end of the month. Like seriously, what concerns the village people with what happened? Village people will not rest again.. Everything that happenes now is because of village people. Smh..

Honestly, I just didn't know what to say to him because I don't have a solution to his situation. I felt his pains but couldn't do anything. I just hope he finds a solution to the situation.

As we were still in the office, the owner of the wine called him and he was just so confused, not knowing what to tell the person. He immediately called his brother and started venting his anger on him again. He ended by telling him that next time, he should stick to drinks like zobo or kunu and stay far away from any expensive wine. You can imagine how funny that was that moment.

So my people, that's how the office turned into a comedy zone today, as the drama of the "Champagne of the Royals" unfolded. I pray God won't let us to pay for something we know nothing about in Jesus Name. Amen

Thanks for visiting my blog.


Lols I can only laugh at his reaction to the situation and how angry he was.

The brother should have take held and not drink the wine, see what he put in brother into, a big debt.

I hope they get it settled pretty soon.


A big debt oo.. I believe they will figure it out


They should split the bill. All of them, including this bro friends. They will pay according to what they drank 😂💔


😂.. How would they know how to split it according to what they drank? You should know that when it comes to these things, you won't see those guys again... Sadly, that's how it works in this part of the world. They are always there when it's time to enjoy, but disappears when you need them the most..


Exactly 💔😂 God will provide for him. The only thing we can do is to sympathize with him 💔😂😂


You are right.. We can only sympathize with him.. Too bad.. 😂.. I don't even know why I am laughing.. It's well


Lol, ignorance really is a disease, just hope the owner of the wine and the customer decides to have common ground and look for an easier solution.

He should tell him, you really can't tell, people tend to give surprising reaction in situations like this.


I think this is actually a good suggestion. He has been so scared to talk to his friend about this. Just like you said, some people tend to give surprising reaction and his friend might actually understand...

Thanks for your feedback


The brother just thought that kunu or zubo will be too cheap to entertain his friends so he went for something to expensive


😂 😂.. And look at where it has landed him.. I believe he has learnt his lesson the hard way possible


Hahahahahaha, when as I was laughing, my whole family came to read why am laughing . They too couldn't hold their laughter 😅. Please where is that guy? Let him and his friends contribute money to buy that drink. Nothing concern your customer. Hahaha
