

Today I want to go to watch a film that has just been shown in all cinemas in Indonesia with the title the medium this film is very interesting and so scary because it has a horror theme, because this film is new so we can't spoil the story of the film, by that's why we only tell you about the excitement of how you watch the film.

![img_0.8278796055183776.jpg]() ![img_0.1599748911280369.jpg]()

Starting from us going to a cinema which turned out to be full of spectators leaving only the front seats empty, finally my friends moved to another cinema, which was quite far away, making us go quite far to another cinema, so we found a bench that is slightly in the middle makes us comfortable to watch.

![img_0.10886444808120921.jpg]() ![img_0.3819870666073737.jpg]()

I really like watching lately for some reason because I like to see how the excitement of every action that is shown through a film, with a room this big makes me love watching the latest films in theaters cause the last two days I watched continuously with my friends.
