A cup of coffee for time travel


After a week of classes, jobs, hours without sleep, I didn't want to go back to the university for a few days. The weather was very cold, I felt some drops falling on me, I had to walk very fast to get home before it rained. I was very exhausted, I didn't want to know anything about numbers, since math classes are very stressful, it didn't allow me to focus on my other work, since it was all about studying.

I slept for a while and remembered that a few blocks from my house, they opened a new food place, and it has a part where they sell coffee. I invited some friends and none of them wanted to go, since they don't like coffee. I changed, put on a cap, because I was a bit disheveled, said goodbye to my mother and went out very carefully.


As I walked, I noticed how many cars were arriving to the place, families and couples to enjoy a different atmosphere. The only thing I told him was that it was the first time in this place, from there he served me very well and sent me to a table. It was a very comfortable place, with Internet and the best thing was a set of very comfortable tables to sit at. A girl approached me and offered me the menu while looking at me very pretty. I noticed a lot of coffee names and a great variety of prices.

At the end of the menu I noticed that there was one that was somewhat expensive, but had something to do with travel, I was very surprised and called the girl. With her very sweet voice and the best affection, she told me that this one allowed me to travel in time, time I answered out loud, that is impossible. So I ordered one of those, since I wanted to see if it was true. Many people stared at me because of my reaction, but I didn't lose anything in trying it, besides I wanted a new coffee.

Everyone was focused on the soccer game that was transmitting, while I waited leaning on the furniture. A few minutes passed until the girl came back to the table with that time coffee, a very big coffee, again I emphasized how powerful the coffee was and tea allowed to travel alone when you are drinking, so take it easy, but I did not pay attention to the girl, since the smell of that coffee made me dizzy and I wanted to try it. I held the cup very carefully, since it was a little hot and took my first sip of that coffee, besides it was raining all the time.

Everything seemed normal, I took another sip of coffee, but this time it was bigger. Suddenly I felt a strange sensation in my body and I appeared in one of the Roma streets, in front of a big sculpture, something that surprised me a lot, I managed to take several pictures and enjoyed every second, as I allowed myself to be with my grandmother, until I came back to reality. My emotion was very big and I took another sip, I appeared in an elevator, it was the worst, for the fact that I am afraid of it, I felt that I was trapped, my desperation increased a lot and that fear increased.


I had some coffee left, I drank another one and I don't know how I got to a traffic accident, many people named a name that was familiar to me, but I couldn't identify it. They were taking me to jail because it was my fault, but I had not done anything, I was innocent. I took a sip of coffee and was again in front of the girl, my hands were shaking, I told her what I had experienced on that trip. I got up a little annoyed and as if I was excited, but the girl told me that there was still one more sip if I was going to take it or leave it.

The last sip I only wanted one thing and it is something that I will never achieve and it was to return to be with my brother for a few seconds, but the girl told me again that it is only fulfilled every time you drink coffee and it does not always go well. However, I receive a call from my mother and thanks to them I saved myself, because I only had a sip of that coffee and if I drank it I was going to be locked in that trip, I stood up from the table, I thanked that girl and I never set foot in that place again. Besides, I will never forget my brother.


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Hi David, no doubt that this journey through time was quite full of moments, with highs and lows at the pace of a roller coaster where we accompany you from Rome to unfortunate moments with the accident. It is interesting how you used empathy as a good resource to catch the reader's attention. I send you a hug.


Thank you very much friend, I wanted to give it a unique touch and continue to improve in this world of history. Thanks for the visit.


You created some interesting scenes that brightened your story and made it a lovely read.
Thanks for being involved:)


Thank you very much friend, I liked the result of this great one. That coffee that allows us to travel is very crazy. Greetings.


Hola, @davidpena21

Señorito, usted me sorprende cada vez, hay mayor soltura, poder, creatividad y riesgo que han hecho de este creador de contenido un Hiver valioso. Te felicito por la historia y usar el café como recurso literario para contar una trama drama y de suspenso. Me quedé satisfecha.



Hola amiga, muchas gracias por estas palabras, sigo mejorando y aprendido un poco de esta escritura creativa, y así lograr transmitir un gran mensaje, saludos.
