Misc Piano Tunes and More!

Greetings and salutations Hivers. Today let's go into another Three Tune Tuesday post.

As always, thanks to @ablaze for making this series. Lots of people participate in it! Follow the tags to find a ton of good music recommendation.

Today I have a weird mix. Well... let's just jump right in and we'll see how it goes.

Harpo & Chico - Mama Yo Quiero

And now for something completely different.

You know, I missed the Marx Brothers revival when they became briefly popular again in the 1970s, as everything 1920s came back for a time. But as I was coming into my own in the early 90s, there was just enough of it remaining to make me curious. The local Blockbuster had a section with all the Marx Brothers films and I went through them one by one, loving them all. One thing that always jumped out at me was Chico's piano playing. At first I hated it, wanting them to just do their zaniness and stop with the music, but I soon warmed up to it and enjoyed watching. He's really an excellent player, a fact made even more impressive when you learn that he was entirely self-taught. Watch him go to work here:

Impressive to see Harpo could also hold his own in that clip.

Scott Bradlee - Super Mario Bros Ragtime

Speaking of impressive piano work, this is right up there. Ragtime is impressive anyway; players of it have to be quite good to go so quickly. This time is made even more good by giving us a great theme that many of us know from our childhoods.

J-Music Pocket Band - Mario 2

While this does kind of break the theme I was building for today's post... oh well! It came up as a recommended video after I watched the one above and I just couldn't resist. This is a delightful jazz cover of an already very jazzy tune!

BONUS: Michael and Ray - Thriller & Ghostbusters

And now for something completely different! Wait...I already used that line in this post, didn't I? Well, the second unexpected turn then! Here's the mash-up that we never expected, even if the themes do kind of match up. At first it doesn't quite work, but it gets better.

Ok, it's not very good. I mean really, most mash-ups aren't. But it does get points for trying an interesting idea.

So what's your favorite?

Hi there! David is an American teacher and translator lost in Japan, trying to capture the beauty of this country one photo at a time and searching for the perfect haiku. He blogs here and at laspina.org. Write him on Twitter or Mastodon.


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Super mario has some catchy tunes and people are great at making masterpieces around them :)


Scott Bradley is pretty awesome. He does some really innovative stuff and I have been admiring him for a while now. I was just watching Ghostbusters last night. I was flipping back and forth during the commercials on the National Championship game.
