Perfect Moments

Every now and again, if we are lucky, the stars align and we get a perfect moment.

They don't happen often, maybe only a handful of times in our life, so we have to be ready to just stop and enjoy when they come.

It might be that way for the woman in the phone, watching as her child slides down or tries to climb that slide. The weather was just perfect: great temperature—not hot or cold but, as Goldilocks might have said, just right—only a few clouds in the sky, and a gorgeous sunset. I remember playing with my kids on that slide when they were younger.

So often we get caught up in things and we don't stop to notice these moments. Have to hurry home to do something for work, or make dinner, do laundry. It'll be dark soon, we should go. A million other future things our minds latch onto, causing us to miss out on what is happening right in front of us right now.

It calls to mind the uber-sappy song from Harry Chapin, Cat's in the Cradle, in which the dad misses his son's entire childhood because he's too busy with other things. (If you are one of the few who haven't heard it.)

In my own life I've probably missed a few of these moments, but I try to be ever mindful and catch them when they come. I hope that mother in this photo caught this one.

Here is the photo in monochrome too. Usually I prefer monochrome, especially when we have some nice clouds in the shot, but I don't know.. not only is there the sun back there, but it's throwing that nice golden hour light. This one I may prefer the color. But.... I don't know. What do you think?

Hi there! David LaSpina is an American photographer and translator lost in Japan, trying to capture the beauty of this country one photo at a time and searching for the perfect haiku.

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    Sometimes, things that get unnoticed are the most beautiful ones. That is why I always place a high value on things that may be unseen but are really wonderful as I enjoy the details that surround me.

    And just like you, I missed a lot in life but I am mindful to catch a moment and make the most of it.

    You had a great monochrome shot. Have a great day my friend and take care always.


    Thank you for the comment and compliment 😃

    That's good you try to catch them too!


    You are most welcome my dear friend and the pleasure is mine. I so love the clouds and that’s really my favorite part. Perhaps I see a silver lining in every plates. Thanks for your attention my friend. Have a wonderful day and take care always.


    Personally, I almost always prefer black and white or monochrome over colour. Almost always.

    I've had a few of those complete "zen" moments, too. They're fleeting, but so worthwhile when they happen. I treasure them when they occur.


    Oh so very fleeting!

    Thanks for the thoughts! Yep, I almost always prefer the monochrome too. The only time it's a tough choice for me is near sunset/sunrise.


    I am not sure that I can use the expression “Ichigo ichie (一期一会)” for nature but I often use it because this moment is only one time and a beautiful lucky moment! Nice shot!
