RE: The Advantages of Smartphone Photography

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I'm a huge fan of smartphone photography. I completely agree with all your points, especially the first. Smartphones have given us a great gift, and that is divorcing the art of taking a photo from the technical knowledge of taking a photo. It's a split that has been long coming. Even on manual setting, Modern dSLRs require much less technical knowledge that large format cameras. Smartphones make the split nearly complete. Now anyone who has some artistic sense (which is all of us) can take great photos without knowing anything about the technical side. No more need to worry about shutter speed or aperture size. I use smartphones in my photo classes a lot. I used to make the students walk around with wooden frames we made so they could get in the habit of framing things and composing the scene, but now I use smartphones for the same purpose.



Thanks for your visit and comment! And yeah, I completely agree with you. It's possible for everyone to learn about composition and up their photography games without having to worry about all the tech. Take with that the size of an average smartphone and the weight, compare that to the weight of the average DSLR with lens mounted ... I know what I prefer to carry along on a dogs walk outdoor.
