Completion of Student packs & increase in education cost


About dCity

dCity is a mathematical and trading game based on non-fungible tokens available on Hive-Engine. Players build their own cities with tokens representing buildings, citizens, technologies, and earn income in the form of HIVE (based on ranking) and SIM token (based on city income). There are also cards that players can get only from playing the game like technologies, backgrounds and prevention cards.

Student packs

Student packs have been deactivated after a week-long testing period. The packs were very positively welcomed by dCity users. Over the past week, almost 7000 HIVE have contributed to the dCity Economy. We will bring back the packs for purchase with the release of Bag of SIM and Datacenters.

Student education costs

We are also increasing the education graduation cost for the Student (debt) card. From now on the cost of debt is 30 SIM per card.

Splinterlands tournament

The dCity tournament in Splinterlands is now over. Almost 50 players took part. Congratulations to the tournament winners - note that you can spend your ENTRY in the new shop that we have recently opened.

Game WebpagedCity DiscordGame Tutorials
Game WebpagedCity DiscorddCity Manual
by @libertycrypto27
by @ecoinstats


When are data centers being implemented?
