Dropping in, spreading MANAGED DEMOCRACY!

(Unsupported https://www.vimm.tv/ddrfr33k/embed?autoplay=0)

Category: Helldivers 2

Click here to watch the live stream!

Welcome back to the House of Dancing Arrows! I don't normally stream on Wednesdays, but I've got some spare time, and I want to stream some more. So guess what? I'm streaming again!

Tonight, I'm joined by an old friend of mine while we play. Talldude and I met playing Warframe on the xbox one, and reconnected here in Helldivers 2. We've been having a ton of fun with this, and we're ready to go dive back in again! Let's give 'em hell!

As a reminder, I restarted my Extra Life campaign again! You can go here and donate to help save a kid's life. Who knows? Maybe I'll set up some donation goals for future streams...

This post was generated from a live stream on VIMM
