Planning Makes It Less Difficult To Accomplish Great Things


Hey lovelies ❤️
It's your favorite girl @debbie-ese 😍
Welcome to my blog 🤗
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Benjamin Franklin, the founding father of the United States of America, writer and politician once said "By failing to prepare, you are preparing to fail".

Yogi Berra also said in one of his sayings that “If you don’t know where you are going, you’ll end up someplace else.”

Peter Drucker, a author and educator posits that “Unless commitment is made, there are only promises and hopes; but no plans.”

We have access to a lot of information these days from the internet, videos, blogs and so on that could give us clue, hints and inspiration to accomplish our goals in life. But with lots of information at our disposal we still feel lost and distracted sometimes and lack of focus makes our derail from the path of achieving our aim. This could on the long run lead to loss of interest and motivation.

It takes daily motivation to stay focus as well as constant hard work and inspiration. Whether you want to improve in your business, or you want to lose some weight or whatever it is you want to achieve you could use some of these tips to keep going and accomplish your set goals.

  • The journey to be successful has to begin with a well mapped out plan and the plan must contain the goals you set for yourself to achieve. You need to provide answers to your WHY, WHERE, WHEN and HOW questions. Ensure your plan are clear and workable. It's important to also set a timeline too. It should be codified and placed where you can see it daily. You could place it on your mirror, computer etc.

  • Use your nights judiciously to plan for the next day. A lot of people wake up late and could be disorganized throughout the day because they failed to plan the previous night. Set a plan before you go to bed about how you want your day to look like and the tasks you want to accomplish for the day. It makes your morning much stressful. You could take time to pick your dress, polish your shoe, set your bags etc before you sleep.

  • On the other hand, you could wake up as early as you can to do what was mentioned in the last point. Do what suits you best.

  • It is essential to get enough sleep. You may lack inspiration and motivation to progress in your tasks because you are stressed due to lack of sleep. Sleep is as important as depriving yourself for it with the hope that you'd accomplish more.

  • Stay off distractions. You need to stay off anything that will make you distracted and not to focus on your goals. Internet, movies, video games, social media could pose distraction. Detach yourself from people that won't want you to concentrate and progress and surround yourself with proactive and progressive people.

Thank you for your time lovelies.
The post is originally written by me 💕@debbie-ese💕

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