QUESTION OF THE WEEK 9.2 - "If there is a God why is there so much suffering in the world?"


Hey lovelies ❤️
It's your favorite girl @debbie-ese 😍
Welcome to my blog 🤗

This is a big question, a huge one.

It is unlikely that a day will pass by without hearing news about kidnapping, robbery, banditry, assassination, and so on. Natural disasters such as earthquakes, tusanmis, landslides and the likes are also the order of the day in so many countries around the world. Not to talk of children being sexually abused, bullied or killed, young and old people stricken with poverty so hard that eating one meal in a day is so difficult that they have to beg for alms. There are so much suffering in the world.

The suffering experienced by human beings make us to think that if truly there is a supreme being then why do we suffer. Why does God allow us to suffer when he can actually stop these sufferings or prevent them with his powerful power. We ask so many questions that at some point we may begin to doubt the existence of God. The first thing that comes to mind when some bad events happen is that we ask a particular question, "Why me?", "God, Why did this happen to me?". We go to the extent of asking God why he allowed us to suffer a particular downfall or setback afterall we pray to him daily.

Let's look at this topic from another angle. Let us imagine that we are in the position to decide what God will do to get rid of suffering from the world. We'd start from telling him to get rid of kidnappers, terrorists and bandits that are creating unrest in the society. This means that there will be peace of mind in the world and people can go about their daily activities without fear.

But, that doesn't put an end to all the suffering in the world, right?

Moving forward, we will also tell him to get rid of men and women that are into sexual harassment, child trafficking, drug dealers, and the likes. With this our children and girl child will not suffer from sexual harassments from the hands of pedophiles and rapists anymore. Wow! The suffering in the world is getting reduced gradually. What a breather!!

But, that doesn't put an end to all the suffering in the world, right?

So, what of getting rid of people who lie, steal, backbite, gossip and so on. With this the people that are going to get eliminated are being narrowed down and unsurprisingly you could fall under the category of those to get rid of.

When we tell God to get rid of suffering or evil, do we know that by extension we are telling him to get rid of man because men are the ones that carry out these suffering. We are the ones that constitute terrorists groups, gangs of robbers, gossipers, backbiters and so on. We make others suffer when we bear false witness, when we get angry and hurt others, when we refuse to disburse the money meant for the public to them and divert to our personal pocket.

God is a patient God. He will not get rid of the creatures he made but he will give us the chance to repent from our evil ways and turn a new leaf.

Thank you for your time lovelies.
The post is originally written by me 💕@debbie-ese💕


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