Story for children: The ants a very hardworking family.



A hard-working family lived in a forest, they were: Mom, Dad and two little brothers. They lived in a huge anthill.

They worked all day. Almost without rest. Dad was very strong and robust. He could lift herbs and leaves a hundred times his weight. To build his house.

Mom was also a hard worker. She constantly lays eggs from which the larvae hatch. Mom took care of them until they grew up. She cooked, took care of the children and the house, fed them and gave them a drink.

The children followed their parents' example and were very proud of them. Together they built their house. His huge house had many entrances and exits.

The anthill looked like a multi-story castle.

Every morning, parents and children greeted each other. They were magic words of greeting and wishes for health.

Thus the days passed and everything was wonderful and joyful with them.

But one day a disaster struck. One day a large stick struck his anthill. The anteaters were looking for ants, they wanted to see what was inside the huge castle.

The ants mom and dad heard the voices of the bear and came out and saw how the floors of their children's castle began to fall on each other. The panic began!

"Save our children!" She screamed the ant at her husband. Dad called all the children for help and they began to remove everything from the anthill to save their older brothers and their young who were in danger.

The ants dragged their future offspring to safety. And the anteaters looked on from the side and laughed at their quick work.

Suddenly, the anteaters screamed. The mother ant and all of her children got together and bit them for the evil they did. The bears got scared and ran to their den.

The parents of the ants were very sorry that their castle had to be restored again. So they got together and worked together to build an even better house. "
