Vamos a hacer mercado a Rio. Te enseño que podemos comprar con 30$ en Venezuela. | We are going to market in Rio. I will show you that we can buy with $30 in Venezuela.


Feliz noche amigos de #MarketFriday hace ya bastante tiempo que no publicaba en esta comunidad, comunidad dirigida por @dswigle que nos invita a compartir los mercados y tiendas alrededor del mundo. Hoy les quiero mostrar un poco de un día de compras para reabastecer la alacena en casa. Les mostraré como es un supermercado en Venezuela, para esta compra fui a un supermercado llamado Rio. La verdad que en este supermercado podemos encontrar de todo. Hubo un tiempo muy oscuro en el país donde no se encontraban los alimentos y era todo un sacrificio poder reabastecer las alacenas. Hoy les mostraré que hoy en día hay de todo y tenemos diferentes marcas para escoger y supermercados muy abastecidos.

Happy night friends of #MarketFriday, it has been a long time since I posted in this community, a community led by @dswigle that invites us to share the markets and stores around the world. Today I want to show you a bit of a day of shopping to replenish the pantry at home. I will show you what a supermarket is like in Venezuela, for this purchase I went to a supermarket called Rio. The truth is that in this supermarket we can find everything. There was a very dark time in the country where food could not be found and it was a sacrifice to be able to restock the cupboards. Today I will show you that today there is everything and we have different brands to choose from and well-stocked supermarkets.


Para la compra dispuse de 30$ porque es algo que deben saber que aunque la moneda oficial de Venezuela es el bolivar digital, se maneja demasiado el dólar y al ir al supermercado todo los precios están en dólar y se hacen el cambio a bolivares de acuerdo a la tasa de cambio que tenga el banco ese día. Al llegar al supermercado lo primero que escogí fue las vegetales, en la lista para comprar tenía cebollas, pimentón, calabacín, zanahoria, pepino, tomate, papas, brocoli, coliflor, ajo y maíz.

For the purchase I had $ 30 because it is something that should know that although the official currency of Venezuela is the Bolivar Digital, the dollar is handled too much and when the prices are going to the supermarket are in dollar and the change is made to Bolivares in accordance to the exchange rate that the bank has that day. Upon arriving at the supermarket, the first thing I chose was the vegetables, on the list to buy I had onions, paprika, zucchini, carrot, cucumber, tomato, potatoes, brocoli, cauliflower, garlic and corn.


Por aquí les voy mostrando un poco de los vegetales que voy escogiendo para comprar. En esta compra está vez no compre frutas pero la verdad es que este supermercado tiene una gran variedad de frutas también, es genial poder encontrar todo lo que necesitamos en un solo supermercado.

Here I show you a little of the vegetables that I choose to buy. In this purchase this time I do not buy fruits but the truth is that this supermarket has a wide variety of fruits too, it is great to be able to find everything we need in a single supermarket.



Está foto me quedo un poco movida pero aquí pueden ver que los precios de este y muchos supermercados están en dólares. También compré este atún para prepararlo, ya que el atún a mí me encanta.

This photo is a bit moved but here you can see that the prices of this and many supermarkets are in dollars. I also bought this tuna to prepare it, since I love tuna.


En esta compra también llevamos pasta. Yo en este caso llevo un kg de pasta corta para prepararla con carne molida, vegetales o atún. Hay muchas marcas y está Mary es bastante buena y esa es la que llevo hoy.

In this purchase we also carry pasta. In this case I carry a kg of short pasta to prepare it with ground meat, vegetables or tuna. There are many brands and it's Mary is quite good and that's what I have today.


También pase por el pasillo de los enlatados, hay gran variedad de enlatados cómo maíz, champiñones, garbanzos, caraotas y palmitos. Los maíz en lata son realmente deliciosos y con ese toque dulce que son perfectos.

Also pass through the hallway, there are a variety of canned as corn, mushrooms, chickpeas, caraotas and palmitos. Corn in can are really delicious and with that sweet touch that are perfect.


Otra parte que me gustó mucho es la parte de los quesos y los embutidos. Aquí en esta nevera teníamos queso parmesano, un tipo de queso azul, mortadela de pollo y en otra había salami y lo bueno es que venden en pequeñas cantidades y llevar lo que este de acuerdo a nuestro presupuesto.

Another part that I liked a lot is the part of cheeses and sausages. Here in this fridge we had Parmesan cheese, a type of blue cheese, chicken mortadel and in another there was salami and the good thing is that they sell in small quantities and carry what it is according to our budget.


Otra parte que está bien llega y surtida es es área de las golosinas saladas. Hay muchas marcas y muchas opciones de papas fritas de varios sabores, también hay chips de yuca o plátano que son deliciosos. Y que son ideales para comprar y acompañar con una salsa.

Another part that is well arrived and assorted is the area of salty sweets. There are many brands and many options of chips of various flavors, there are also yuca or plantain chips that are delicious. And that they are ideal to buy and accompany with a sauce.



También estuve en el área de higiene personal, estaba buscando un shampoo anticaspa y el que uso solo había del grande que vale 20$ y estuve revisando que tuviera el sello de la marca para saber que era original, porque también traen una imitación de este shampoo y si lo uso en vez de ayudar con la caspa la empeora. Pero como solo había este shampoo grande no lo podía comprar y elegí otro de una marca que no he usado y una amiga me lo recomendó y me dijo que era muy bueno así que lo usaré a ver qué tal me va y si me ayuda con mi problema de la caspa.

I was also in the personal hygiene area, I was looking for an anticaspa shampoo and the one I used only from the big one that is worth $ 20 and I was checking that I had the brand's seal to know that it was original, because they also bring an imitation of this shampoo And if I use it instead of helping with the dandruff worse. But since there was only this big shampoo I could not buy it and I chose another one from a brand that I have not used and a friend recommended it to me and told me that it was very good so I will use it to see how it is going and if it helps me with my dandruff problem.


También aproveche de caminar todo el supermercado para tomar más fotos y poner en este post. Pase por el pasillo de galletas y todas estás son galletas muy ricas.

You also take advantage of walking the entire supermarket to take more photos and put in this post. Go through the cookie hall and all are very rich cookies.


Hoy en día en nuestros supermercados hay muchos productos importados, caminando por el supermercado ví está parte donde hay cervezas importadas y hay de le ve el precio de cada una. Me gustaría saber cuánto cuesta está cerveza en tu país? Sino me equivoco está cerveza es mexicana.

Today in our supermarkets there are many imported products, walking through the supermarket is the part where there are imported beers and you can see the price of each one. I would like to know how much does this beer cost in your country? If I'm not mistaken, this beer is Mexican.


Llegué a la parte de la carnicería pues en la lista de compra tenía que comprar 1 kg de carne molida, el kilogramo de carne molida en este supermercado tiene un costo de 5.80$ compramos carne molida porque tiene muchas maneras deliciosas de prepararla en casa.

I got to the butcher shop part because on the shopping list I had to buy 1 kg of ground beef, a kilogram of ground beef in this supermarket costs $5.80. We buy ground beef because it has many delicious ways to prepare it at home.


En la lista no había galletas o chocolates pero hay mucha cantidad de todo esto en el supermercado, así que decidí tomar dos galletas de chocolate y avellanas que venden en este supermercado que son muy sabrosas. Recuerdo que cuando esté supermercado estaban recién abierto yo compraba muchos de estos chocolates para regalar.

In the list there were no cookies or chocolates but there is a lot of all this in the supermarket, so I decided to take two chocolate and hazelnut cookies that sell in this supermarket that are very tasty. I remember that when I am supermarket they were freshly open, I bought many of these chocolates to give away.


Ya casi estaba terminando con las compra pero pase por el pasillo de los cereales hay muchos cereales que son deliciosos. Quería comprar uno que mi mamá siempre me compraba cuando era pequeña. Pero no lo agarre porque no sabía si me iba a pasar del presupuesto que tenía para esta compra.

I was almost ending with the purchase but passes through the corridor of cereals there are many cereals that are delicious. I wanted to buy one that my mother always bought me when she was little. But I will not grab it because I did not know if I was going to go from the budget I had for this purchase.


Ya estaba lista la compra y estaba esperando mi turno para pagar. La verdad tenía días que tenía que hacer esta compra y justo que me decidí a ir llovió demasiado así que tuve que estar bastante rato en el supermercado y caminar mucho recorrer bastante y así poder tomar bastante fotos.

I was ready to buy and I was waiting for my turn to pay. The truth had to make this purchase days and just that I decided to go rained too much so I had to be in the supermarket and walk a lot to go quite a lot and thus be able to take a lot of photos.


Ya llegó mi turno para pagar, si mis datos para la factura y fui colocando todo los productos para que fueran cobrando y pues saber si iba a cumplir con la meta de 30$ o me iba a pasar del presupuesto establecido.

My turn has arrived to pay, if my data for the invoice and I was placing all the products so that they were charging and then knowing if I was going to comply with the goal of $ 30 or I was going to go from the established budget.


Si se logró el objetivo por aquí pueden ver el precio de la compra tome está foto antes de que pasaran un último producto pero la compra si fue de 30$ y por un lado de la pantalla se ve el precio en dólares y otro en bolívares. Por aquí les dejaré la listo de todo lo que compre: - papas. - pasta corta. - carne molida. - cilantro. - coliflor. - zanahoria. - pimenton rojo. - shampoo anticaspa. - atún en lata. - tomate. - ajo. - arroz. - brócoli. - pimenton verde. - galletas de chocolate. - puerro. - pepino. - calabacín. - celery. - cebollín. - vainitas. - cebolla - maíz. Todo esto fue lo que compre en este día en el supermercado, luego me gustaría ir a otro supermercado de otra cadena de supermercados y mostrarles, creo que para próxima debería tomar fotos de los vegetales y de su precio y así ustedes pueden ver mejor cuánto vale todo y así me dan su opinión de el precio para saber si lo consideran caro o barato. Pero yo la verdad siento que compre bastantes cosas, ha sido un gran placer para mí crear este post para esta comunidad y espero a ustedes también les guste. Me gustaría leer sus comentarios y saber que le pareció este supermercado.

If the objective was achieved here you can see the purchase price take this photo before a final product would pass but the purchase if it was $ 30 and on the one hand of the screen the price is seen in dollars and another in bolivars. Here I will leave you ready for everything you buy: - Popes. - Short paste. - ground meat. - coriander. - cauliflower. - carrot. - Red paprika. - dandruff shampoo. - canned tuna. - tomato. - garlic. - rice. - broccoli. - Green paprika. - chocolate cookies. - leek. - cucumber. - zucchini. - celery - chives. - peas. - Onion - corn. All this is what I bought on this day in the supermarket, then I would like to go to another supermarket from another supermarket chain and show them, I think that for next I should take photos of the vegetables and their price and so you can see better how much it is worth Everything and so give me their opinion of the price to know if they consider it expensive or cheap. But I really feel that I understand enough things, it has been a great pleasure for me to create this post for this community and I wait for you too. I would like to read his comments and know what this supermarket seemed to him.



#MarketFriday began as a way to reach out across the globe and learn about different cultures through their markets, especially local markets and farmers' markets, and eventually branched out and evolved over time from straight shopping to a cultural affair as it highlights how we differ and then again, how much we are alike. We have become a melting pot of culture, but it is still the Rituals, Festivals, food, architecture, and even your language/languages that separate us... Along with the fact that these things are normal for us. There are unwritten rules that rule our social behaviors. I see this as allowing for increased tolerance between cultures and nations, and opportunities to come together on an even playing ground. A strong culture can be beneficial to a country as it promotes unity, especially during a crisis, peaceful debate, and open dialogue. I have learned so much about all of you and it has been an amazing experience. I can only hope that learning about each other can help us work together for a peaceful world. Thank you for being a part of #MarketFriday

Rules of the Road to Join #MarketFriday!

  1. Go to any type of market, or anywhere where you pay money for a service. It can be a museum, a movie theatre, or an auction. Be creative!
  2. Tell us a little bit about the market or the event. What brought you there? What did you buy? How much did it cost? We like to compare prices, otherwise, it is just pictures of a market!
  3. Post the pictures! No out-of-focus ones, please! Tell a little bit about the pictures that you post. Having many pictures to scroll through does not make a better post without an explanation.
  4. Use the MarketFriday Community Platform to post #hive-196308 (this is not required, but appreciated) If you don't, then #MarketFriday should be your first tag
  5. Following me and reblogging the post so more see it would be appreciated !! Not a rule, just appreciated, more vision for more views on your posts!
    . You must put #MarketFriday by @dswigle somewhere on your post.
    6.#MarketFriday post should be submitted sometime on Friday UTC
  6. The post MUST be in English
  7. Drop the link into the MarketFriday comment section so I can find it

#MarketFriday loves you!
