Conversations With Yourself: A Writing Exercise to Unlock Creativity!

When you have been "writing things" for 50 years, you end up having seen a pretty wide range of "tricks and tools" designed to help writers.

It actually feels a little scary to write "50 years," because it brings me face to face with just how long have been on this planet!


Writer's Block? No... Really?

I suppose I should feel blessed that I have generally not had issues with the dreaded "writer's block;" quite the contrary. I have, however, had issues with finding anything interesting to write about.

There are days when the words flow quite freely, but I can't get past the inner feeling of "sure, but who CARES?"

Being a writer sometimes requires us to have a certain kind of selfishness, in the sense that we have to persuade ourselves that yes, our words DO matter.

But let's get back to unlocking creativity.


There are a bajillion writing exercises out there, but I have found that the vast majority of them are only a couple of degrees above "useless."

One particular exercise I've that does seem to work for most people is that of having a (written) conversation with yourself.

You can be your own friend, parent, teacher, preacher, confidante or whatever you choose. Regardless of what you choose, the idea is to simply "loosen" your mind.

It can feel rather silly and pointless at the start... and it annoys many people because what you actually write isn't typically for your blog post, article, book, college paper or whatever... although sometimes it is.


Abbreviated Example...

"So how did you end up with this sensation of stuckness, anyway?"

I don't know...

"Are you SURE about that?"

It has been a long day, and I am tired. My brain is fried. I don't really feel like writing anything, but I feel like I should, for the sake of the continuity of my blog.

"Who are you afraid of letting down?"

Myself, mostly. I guess. I think. There are "voices" in my head, from my past, reminding me that I "never complete anything."

"So completing things is important to you?"

Well... I dunno. I guess I just don't want to deal with people's judgments. If I complete things, I know I can circumvent those judgments.


"Newsflash! EVERYbody judges! Even those who say they don't judge."

Well, I don't....

"Bullshit! You're judging YOURSELF, right now, aren't you?"

Smartass! But I do see the potential for using "how we're our own harshest judge" as a potential subject. Thanks for the session!

Of course, these "sessions" often go on for much longer than a brief exchange. Their purpose is really dual in nature. For one, you're forced to start writing something, even if it is more or less meaningless nonsensical dialogue. For two, a good bit of the time, the "dialogue" ends up revealing a potential subject — or several — you could write about.


Dealing With Fixed Prompts...

Of course, sometimes you have to work form a fixed writing prompt, or an actual writing assignment for an article you're working on.

In such cases, your "conversation" becomes about the topic you're facing, and why it is giving you sop much trouble. It usually doesn't take long to figure out where your "block," is... maybe it's the need for research; maybe you don't like the topic at hand; maybe it's something else.

Regardless, you can usually shake something loose!

Thanks for stopping by, and have a great remainder of your week!

Comments, feedback and other interaction is invited and welcomed! Because — after all — SOCIAL content is about interacting, right? Leave a comment — share your experiences — be part of the conversation! I do my best to answer comments, even if it sometimes takes a few days!


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Created at 2023-03-21 00:17 PST



I love this tip. I am going to have to try it. Actually I do this at night when I can;t sleep with my dog Bailey. I should start a series of post about those conversations 😀.


I have been conversing with myself a lot these days but I seem to judge myself always - even for doing that(talking to myself) but I havent tried writing them out like you just did. Actually I have tried to do that one time but I still judged myself into not doing it because my inner voice seems to think we would be called a deranged or mentally unhealthy individual.

Anyways I'll follow your advice or rather your musing with this your lovely friends- mine is always judgy so I'll call him that but I won't listen to him anymore instead I'll write it outand then serve my sentence incase I am found guilty.


This is a very good tip, thank you for sharing it with us. The "it's not going to interest anyone" thing is something I have a lot of and as I don't have much time to write I publish even if I find it looks like nothing sometimes, it allows me to work on my perfectionism lol
