Coffee Trouble and an Unlikely Saviour.

This story was inspired by @dreemsteem's post - and she has given me permission to do a spin-off on her story.

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I had never been on a Cruise ship before, but I always dreamt of being on one. Now that I am, can someone tell me what I did to offend the universe?

Linda holds my hair back as I continue to puke in the toilet. Yes, I am freaking sea sick. Who would have imagined? We'd boarded some days ago and Linda had said I looked green. I felt green. I knew it was coming but I hoped I would be able to enjoy the scene at least before the onslaught of things. Apparently, I couldn't. I have been sick for four days!

"I'll get you some coffee." Linda said as I sat helpless on the pristine white tiles of the suite bathroom. Linda really splurged on this one. Unlike me, she was well to do and could actually afford anything. Even a 28-day Pacific cruise for two.

I nodded feeling another wave coming on. The only thing I was grateful for was the coffee. I always felt better after that. It was about 6am and the sun was beginning to rise. Lucky people who could watch it rise on the deck. I'd just get sicker if I tried.

"Maya, we have doctors here." She said. I leaned my head on the door, it was cool to the back of my head, soothing me by a lot.

"No. Just get me coffee." I didn't like doctors or hospitals and she knew it. So she didn't insist even if she wanted to.

Linda left and returned minutes later, her face contorted in anger. I knew my friend. She seldom got angry and when she did, it was a pretty good reason!


"The ship's engine blew!" She cut me off, she was perspiring too.

"What?" I asked

"Yeah I'm just finding out and that is not all sister. They have no coffee."

My eyes must have threatened to spill out their sockets. "No!"

"I swear to God...and we are expected to be here some more days than planned. God! I have my thesis to defend Maya!" She cried.

Linda had gotten us on the cruise a month before she'd have to defend her project at Harvard where she was doing her Master's program on Computer Science.

Linda was smart. But she didn't look it according to societal stereotype. Platinum blonde, legs for days and delicious curves. She looked like a Barbie doll and from a very wealthy family.

She plopped on the bed beside me, her face in her hands. I felt for her but being the rational one,

"Uhm Linda. Your parents own a chopper."

There was a pause and then she lifted her face from her hands. I watched as it clicked. Linda panicked fast and when she did, she might as well have no brain.

"I completely forgot. I'll go call them to make arrangements. You stay right here." With that, she left and in her hurry, forgot to shut the door.

Not long after, I watched a man walk past. I didn't catch a full glimpse of his face, but from his attire, he looked rich. I mean to afford this, you have to be.

Now, how do I eat breakfast without coffee? I laid down to rest my head and unsettled stomach. I don't know how long I was out but Linda was shaking me awake. I must be hallucinating because I thought I smelled coffee.


"Good news!" She squealed.

I lifted myself up and sure enough, there was a trolley of breakfast being rolled in by one of the waiters and there was no mistaking the carafe of coffee on it.

"Coffee." I answered.

"Yes. You would not believe what went down. I swear I thought there was going to be utter chaos. Every one looked like zombies until some gentle man named Winston whatever Philip came out with a whole stash of beans!"

The waiter handed me a cup which I gladly took and sipped on. It was delicious! Perhaps the nap helped because I felt a whole lot better.

"This is delicious." I voiced and she agreed with me. We sat together eating our very English breakfast while she filled me in on Winston Whatever Philip. She said his name was way too long for her to grasp but he'd made a deal with some man named Costanello for his entire stash, but she'd gotten wind of it and had Daddy have a chat with Costanello over the phone.

Linda's Dad, a very formidable mogul wasn't one you said no to especially when it came to his princess - his only child. She told me Costanello nearly passed out when he heard Lewis CasaGrande on the phone.

"You my dear friend, are one fly on the wall."

"To be fair, you could hear his voice all the way from the hallway. He was very loud. I mean, he was like a lunatic with his 'I need caffeine now'!" She tried to mimic him, making me laugh.

She smiled softly at me before she asked, "you feeling better?"

"Yeah. I might even be able to go on deck. You and Daddy make arrangements?"

"Yep. We'll be out of here when the time comes."





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Rough seas are not my thing. I totally get that "green" feeling and coffee is what I'd need to save me:)


Sorry for the late reply. And I hve never been at sea. Maybe one day, Hehee


I do hope that you'll get to visit the sea one day. It's actually hard to imagine never seeing the sea before, but I understand that some places are landlocked:)


Totally clever idea to frame your story on Dreem’s great tale. Thanks for sharing


hehe, this was way cool and fun, Deraaa! What a brilliant idea to do a spin-off 🙌... Not sure anyone has ever done one for #STB. I think you're gonna love March's dreem-wotw hehe. !LUV !ALIVE !PIZZA


March??? Okay!!!! I will await!!!
