Lock Screen Palava
I’m not one to worry about what my wallpaper looks like. I can go months without changing it because frankly, the last thing on my mind is what my next wallpaper will be when what I use the phone for is more important.
“All about aesthetics” they say. Well I say, whenever I remember or feel like it, then I’ll change my wallpaper. But, thank you Digital-lifestyle because after reading the prompt question, I felt compelled to change mine.
I believe that I pick my wallpapers based on a message. What people see when they look at your phone screen says a lot about you. Someone can know you’re a football fan, anime fan, Kdrama/Kpop fan, Marvel/DC fan just from your wallpaper.
Which is why it takes me a while to pick a wallpaper. I believe it says a lot about my person. Believe me when I say that unless I stumble upon a wallpaper that speaks to me, looking for one can take me minimum of 40 minutes to a maximum of 2 hours. Sounds crazy right? Which is why I hardly bother. Once I find one, it sticks till I’m bored enough to look for another.
Few weeks back, I saw a picture I really liked in the Neoxian City discord. It was the profile picture of one of the members and I fell in love with it. So I asked him for it and proceeded to make it my wallpaper. It stuck for a few weeks until I saw the prompt and began an internal debate on if I should change my wallpaper or not.
Part of the reason for the debate is the “selection process”. I know many would think I’m making a big deal out of it but I am all or nothing. Whatever would represent me has to hold elements that define my person. It is there to please me but also it is a statement - in my opinion.
I finally decided to change it today and instead of spending minutes on it, I narrowed it down to something I really enjoy - Anime. Not just any anime. I selectively asked Pinterest for Demon Slayer and then narrowed it again to my favourite character - Nezuko.
This wallpaper is the same with that on my system. So once I saw it, I downloaded it, planned to use it as my Home and Lock Screen until I saw this…
I am a fan of dark themes. All apps on my phone are set to “dark”. This was aesthetically pleasing to my eyes and I became undecided. As a solution, I put Tanjiro as my Lock Screen (He is older after all) and then Nezuko as my Home Screen.
To fully enjoy the view, I cleared my Home Screen of apps to let her shine. I can always search to find the apps. This has to be the best decision I made today (after watermelon and pineapple) and I don’t know how long it’ll stick but I’m going to enjoy it till I get bored again.

Posted Using INLEO
Very good selection, it’s beautiful
Thank you 😊
It's funny how I have used the same wallpaper for over 6 months now, I don't even see it, I just operate the phone without noticing.
Guy I can understand 😂 it's the same thing with me. Until one day my attention is called to it and I change it lol
You people that change lock screen all the time, how do you do it?😩
My wallpaper stays as it is from the day I get my phone until when it gets old. I just don't care so it's hard to describe the kind of person I am with my screensaver 😅
Your screensavers look cool
Ye. Ha. You are strong o. Mine can't stay that long no matter how nonchalant I get 😂
As much as I would love to jump on this prompt, let me not deceive myself because it's either I'm using my photo or my daughter's (which I haven't done since I changed my phone almost a year now) or the software suggests for me lol.
Beautiful theme by the way, it suits you 😃🙂😌
So you don't want us to see your baby's beautiful face? 😑 what's wrong with using you? Come and flaunt that glass skin and heavenly sculpted face let us gush! God took his time on you jare 🥹
It's a wonder it is just not shades of darkness, that are set to randomly change at odd intervals.
The lock and home screen wallpaper look nice. I also use my favorite Indian celebrity guy as my home and lock screen wallpaper. When my friends saw it, they asked if I was crushing on him. I replied, "Is it necessary to crush on someone before using their picture as wallpaper?" I told them that he's my favorite Indian celebrity, which is why I used his picture. That same picture has been on my screen wallpaper since October 2024. However, after reading your post, I’ll consider changing it because to me, there’s nothing wrong with it because, I just unlock my phone and operate it.