They gave me a small coffee plant



El día de hoy fui a visitar a un tío que vive en el pueblo donde crecí porque es temporada de mangos y él tiene un árbol, mientras recogía los mangos que iba tumbado, aprecié a ver un pequeño sembradío de café que me llamó mucho la atención, tenía años sin ver alguna planta de café, mi tío notó mi interés por las plantas y me regaló una pequeño retoño, la verdad no me lo esperaba pero me pareció buena idea plantar una planta de café en mi casa, intentaré cuidarla mucho pero la conservaré de manera ornamental y espero obtener una gran cosecha de ella, ya que con una sola planta apenas tendría unos pocos gramos de café.

Today I went to visit an uncle who lives in the town where I grew up because it's mango season and he has a tree. While I was picking up the mangoes that were lying down, I saw a small coffee field that caught my attention. I hadn't seen a coffee plant for years, my uncle noticed my interest in plants and gave me a small sapling, I really didn't expect it but it seemed like a good idea to plant a coffee plant in my house, I'll try to take care of it a lot but I I will keep it ornamentally and I hope to get a great harvest from it, since with a single plant you will barely have a few grams of coffee.

¡Gracias por leer!/¡Thank you for reading!

¡Hasta la próxima!/¡Until next time!

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Oh, so this is how a coffee plant looks like. I haven't seen one in person.


I hadn't seen any coffee plants in person either, they are very pretty.😊
