Trying espresso for the first time / The Coffee Shop Prompt

Hello Hive friends, I hope you are having a happy start to the week, today I want to share with you my entry to the first edition of #TheCoffeeShopPrompt since as a coffee lover I could not stop talking about my experience in a coffee shop in my city, I hope you like it, without further ado, let's begin.

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I am a good person who usually enjoys a cup of coffee a lot, when I write or in the morning when I wake up, I cannot imagine a day without drinking coffee, it is my way of starting the day, since I consider it as a restful energy and enhancer that this drink gives us, I really like strong coffee, I usually prepare it something strong and I take it with very little sugar, it is my favorite way to drink it.

I'm not really a fan of drinking coffee in cafeterias, I like to prepare it at home to my liking because I'm a bit picky about the subject, but last year to celebrate the twelfth anniversary with my girlfriend, I needed to go to a nearby ice cream parlor, the plan was to get to know this place and eat some ice creams, since they were different from the ones in other ice cream parlors, to my surprise this ice cream parlor was also a cafeteria, in fact the place was called Palett Cafe, which was very convenient for me because I'm not a big fan of eating sweets including ice cream, I wanted to do it that day because it was a special occasion but I wanted to seize the moment and ordered an espresso while my girlfriend ordered an ice cream lollipop.

That day I tried espresso coffee for the first time, I had always wanted to try it, I was curious and that day I did it without planning it, I really liked it, it was just the way I like it, very strong and with little sugar, as I mentioned before I am very I am a picky coffee eater but this was delicious and perfect for the occasion as it was a cold and rainy afternoon.

My girlfriend and I had a nice time while we tasted what we had ordered while we talked and took some photos to remember that moment and that experience that we both shared for the first time, without a doubt I would return to that place because I liked it a lot, so much the coffee, as well as the atmosphere and the attention, in addition the prices were quite accessible and that makes it an ideal place to share a special moment or simply spend a pleasant afternoon in the company of friends, family or partner.

¡Gracias por leer!/¡Thank you for reading!

¡Hasta la próxima!/¡Until next time!

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Todas las fotografías mostradas son de mi propiedad / All the photographs shown are my property


Thank you for stopping by. See you again soon:)

The Coolest.gif


Thank you very much for visiting my post!


I can see why you would prefer to make your own coffee at home since you are so particular about your taste. Still, it's great that you found this lovely place that offers what you like. Thanks for sharing this and taking part in our prompt:)))
The Coffee Shop Prompt-3.jpg


Yes, although it is great to make our own coffee, it is even more great to go out with friends to take coffee while talks with them, thank you very much for visiting my post


I remember that day, it was very special and I remember that I tried your coffee and I didn't like it, it was very strong and bitter, but my palette was delicious 😄


You are not advised to the taste of pure coffee 😅
