Weekend engagement 197: Humor as a fundamental part of my personality

My sense of humor is a trait that defines me, I have the ease and sometimes the need to find humor in almost any situation in my daily life, whether when listening to stories, reading the news or even in uncomfortable or tense moments, a joke or a joke. satirical comment always struggles to come out of my mouth.

At first, this way of being was a kind of shield, a defense mechanism to relieve tension or get out of uncomfortable situations, however, over time, humor became more than just an escape, it became a a fundamental part of my personality, a form of expression that allows me to connect with myself and with the people around me.

However, I must admit that my humor is not for everyone, as time has passed, it has become more acidic and irreverent, which forces me to be more selective with my audience. Only with my girlfriend do I allow myself to be completely myself, without filters or restrictions. She, with her maturity and understanding, has managed to understand my style of humor, that is, that fine line that separates irony from sarcasm, satire from offense. .

For me, humor is an art and like all art, only those with the sensitivity and ability to understand it can enjoy it at its maximum expression, I do not pretend to be funny for everyone, nor do I seek approval from anyone, my humor is my way of see the world, a satirical opinion on global events, a tool to express myself and connect with those who share and understand my vision of reality.

¡Thank you for reading!

¡Until next time!

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