Focus By Eliminating Trivialities


When you filter out of your life the unnecessary and unproductive things that you're wasting your time doing, you'll be left with so much time for the few things that truly add to your overall growth and development. Elimination is basically removing the things that you don't want in your personal life and in your business.

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It cannot be overemphasized that we need more concentration in our days, in order to fully maximize all that a day has to offer. But most times, you may begin a day having great plans for all you need to get done, but unfortunately because you have many trivialities and unproductive activities in your day, you end up not doing what you're supposed to do.

When you have many unproductive days, it may easily lead to an unproductive life. That's why you need to protect your time in each day; and a wonderful way to protect your time is by - eliminating trivialities. When you remove the time you waste each day, probably talking to old friends during work hours, you'll be left with more hours to work actively.


Here's an example, if you have your work desk completely filled with different items; on it you have your hair brush, your laptop, important books, toothpick, other story books unrelated to your work. You'll agree with me that when you decide to remove all the items that are unrelated to the exact work you have to do at the moment, you'll be more focused and concentrated.

There are those little things that you do, and deep down you actually know that they don't add money to you, but rather they steal your time. It may be the immediate pleasure that you seek, but you must realize that the sooner you start focusing on the 20% productive things you should be doing in a day, the sooner your life will improve amazingly.

Thanks for taking time to read!

