Growing Wealth Is A Gradual Process


No one makes lots of money overnight. In reality, that's not the way things work. If we look at the trees and the crops around us, we see that whenever you plant a seed, it takes time for it to grow into what you intended. You can't expect to plant a seed today, and harvest it tomorrow. But unfortunately, that's what we see happening among desperate business people.


Everybody wants to get to the top fast. They don't want to wait for time to work in their favor. Even when a child is born, that child cannot just become an adult in a few minutes or days. It takes years for that child to reach maturity and adulthood. Growth in any form always requires time, as it is a gradual process.

You have to take it step by step. You see people who are quick to spend the money they make. And when you ask them - why have you spent all of your income? Most times, they'll reply you by saying - after they took care of their basic needs, what was left of their income wasn't big. Hence, they decided to go have some fun with it.


This is the kind of mentality that makes many people stuck at the lower end of the ladder of success. You shouldn't forget that money attracts more money. When you learn to value the little you're making and invest it wisely, no matter how small you think it is. You'll be so surprised that one day, it will grow into something reasonable.

When you gradually keep aside some money for investments or simply for savings. You can never tell when a great opportunity will come around, such that you'll be able to multiply that money many folds. You have to take life gently, plant the right seeds of investments today. And in the future, you'll have something to harvest. No matter how small it is - plant it. You'll be far better than the man who lavishes all his/her income, claiming that it's not big enough to invest.

Thanks for taking time to read!

