How To Break Down Things


Why do you think so many people never start on that big project they have in mind? The answer is fear and confusion. When something is too big and too difficult, you may feel overwhelmed by it, and you may avoid doing it. Thus, the question is - How do you complete a task that is too big and difficult? Simple - you break it down.


When something is to complex for you to understand at once, then you break it down into different parts. Next, you take it piece by piece and gradually you'll be able to tackle the whole thing. There's a famous saying - how do you eat an elephant? One bite at a time. You just need to take it one step at a time.

At this point, you'll agree with me that many times, the problem comes when you don't take out time to really break big jobs down into parts that you can easily work on at the moment. If you keep on looking at the whole job, you'll never get started. So it boils down to figuring out how to break things down.


The fundamental way to break things down is into - opening, middle, and ending. In almost all aspects of our lives, and in the things that we do from day to day, you'll understand that there's always an opening, then there's the middle, and there's the ending. First thing for you to do is - break that big task into these 3 parts.

By breaking down herculean jobs into these 3 parts - opening, middle, and ending; you've been able to give structure to whatever you want to do. If it's still too big - then you can further break it down into subdivisions under opening, middle or ending. Then you get started with the opening of that job. Take short breaks after you've completed a major piece of the work. Little by little, you'll eventually get the big task done.

Thanks for taking time to read!

