My Wife's Version of Killer Sinigang



As newlyweds, one of our constant discussions is what food are we going to eat. My wife is a self-confessed beginner when it comes to cooking complicated dishes. I, myself, am a total noob in the kitchen. But in the past months since we got married, I can say my tummy has always been satisfied. Thanks to my wife's ability to follow terrific recipes.

Her latest feat was Panlasang Pinoy's Killer Sinigang. She just looked for the recipe on Facebook, asked me to accompany her to the market to buy the ingredients, and did all the work by herself.

After a couple of minutes of her listening to instructions, mixing and stirring ingredients, she finished the food with flying colors! Man, I tell you it was awesome! And I'm telling this not only because she's my wife, but because the taste is so heartwarming and satisfying.

I even posted her finished product on my Facebook My Day and gained not a few comments and likes!

Here's the link to the recipe:

For the best experience view this post on Liketu
