Ladies of Hive #119/Out of Comfort


When was the last time you went out of your
comfort zone, and what did you accomplish?

This week's prompt is definitely something I can relate to because I've always been the kind of person that stayed when and where was comfortable for me. I've always been content, either with my small circle or friends or the confines of my home. I never went for extra.
I was happy in my little world where it was convenient. I would see people go out, have fun, talk to series of people, just experience life but it was never me.


So during my first and second year, the time you can call me overly serious I used to go for night classes. Mostly during tests and examination period. But sometimes I'd go with my small circle of friends just to make noise.
So on this particular night, my friend, the one I usually studied with and sat in an examination hall with couldn't make it for night class. I knew if I stayed at home with light and a bed I would fall asleep.
I knew because I had done it several times. I would set my alarm to wake me up in the middle of the night around two. When it goes off I wake up, turn it off and tell myself just two more minutes. I never get back up to read.

I had no choice but to go by myself. Without my usual entourage I sat in a corner alone. Back then I'd never ever talk to you unless you spoke to me first. And even when I did I had to calculate the words in my head before I spoke them out. I was that awkward.
I heard noise from the front of the class. Some group of guys entered and they wanted everyone to know they had come or maybe not. I honestly didn't care.
I kept on reading my book. Apparently Karma was back for me because they didn't come to read. They came to make noise and just so happened to bring their noise to the back where I was seated.

They were gisting while I kept on reading. One of his guys called his name. I looked up because for some reason I wanted to see the person that had the same name with my brother. No dramatic flare here, but he was fine!!!!!!.
I tried to focus but then I kept stealing glances at him.
There was no point. He wasn't going to talk to me and I wasn't going to ever say a word.
Midnight hour and most people were already falling asleep. Not me though, I had like three materials to finish so I kept on rinsing my face with water. Eventually most of his guys fell asleep. It was my chance. I recited what I was going to say in my head. All I had to do was say a simple "Hey", instead I ended up blurting out, "You have the same name as my brother".

He looked at me like I was mental and I wanted to cry then he laughed. A conversation started from there. I gave one worded replies but it was something.
We ended up talking till morning because I'll be frank. What I was reading wasn't entering anymore.
Walking out of school later that morning he managed to rope me into the conversation with his friends. I was actually doing it, talking to strangers.

I discovered after that day that it wasn't that hard, going out of my comfort zone. Even though I fumbled talking to him first and knowing I was able to do it gave me a little boost I didn't know I needed.
I began starting conversations with simple words. Sometimes I even complimented people's clothes and told them how pretty they are.
Now I'm a master talker, you cannot get me to shut up.
As to what I accomplished.. I got a really fine guy's number or rather he got mine. Still a win win.
But looking at the bigger picture . I made a what I hope will remain a life long friend and I discovered talking to people wasn't such a difficult thing.


Que bueno que hayas podido sali de tu zona de confort. Hay muchas personas que son muy introvertida y temen salir al mundo exterior


Now I'm a master talker, you cannot get me to shut up.


Ok, jokes aside, these things come with a certain age and you get some experience, after which it is normal and easy. But you already know that I see :)


Yes it has gotten easier with time and I don't feel awkward anymore or should I say 100 percent of the time 😅. Thanks for reading ❤️.
