On being Willliam Tell, and shooting off an apple on his son's head!



Apple is the company founded by Steve Jobs in 1976, and he made the firm big within telecommunications, and this is what we are doing in several organizations on the planet. But back to William Tell, he was just a legend when shooting away this apple on this son's head. And there should be enough drama in life when having things or closing them down.

The main thing of shooting down this apple, was to declare the Swiss independence, and stating that it is best to stand alone of many things in life, also with doing decisions, and make what one wants, and having away people from the schools, when we are the master of the minds everywhere, and we know what to say and what to perceive everywhere, and people can think what they want about any person, any regime, and any government. But the way in life giving you good human relations, is through education and research, and these things should be of long duration, and nobody can claim any stupid about me and you, since we are determining our own lives.

So, William Tell was a Swiss legendary hero, and he shoot off the apple on his son's head due to the struggle of getting political and individual freedom, and today we are forced to have freedom, diversity and precision, and we are telling ourselves where to go and why. And we can use all kinds of programs, also statistical packages such as LISREL to make analysis, and the analysis is there in some seconds, and therefore we should not complain about our computers, but we should use our brains as good as possible, and there is a reason to using your own head, and get the results and analysis that is just expected and not expected. And therefore, we do not know everything in life, and the future is filled with uncertainty, and that is how life is perceived. But using the brain and its waves are more important in life, when doing nothing. And you know, in Scandinavia, Copenhagen and Uppsala are one of the best in schools, and as professor Michael E. Porter by Harvard Business School is telling us, there is no points of visiting any school is Norway, because the are invisible and bad. And that is true to all schools at all levels, also when we are seeing the ranking of schools coming from India and China.

So, William Tell got a cruel punishment of the tyrannical Governor in Austria or in Switzerland. In order to be granted freedom, William Tell would be forced to shoot an apple off the head of his own son, and he managed that and he was given the freedom, and he could then do what he wanted in life after this happening. And life is tragical with being all the cases with people out of work, and we cannot love anybody when being outside the good humans in any society. So, the main thing today is working, and the schools are talking much about nonsense in the clouds in the sky. We need practical and theoretical knowledges, and we need to know what to do and why, and we cannot accept stupid relations, also in the families, and maybe we sometimes should exclude ourselves from some human relations.

Today, William Tell is a legend and a hero in Switzerland, and he is the hero and the pride of this nation. And he managed to do the task that he was told to do. And he is immortal nowadays in Switzerland, and he is coming in his body from time to time, and from place to place. And William Tell escaped from imprisonment, and he killed his foe. You know, today, we believe in this story and the myths around it, and there are many stories on the planet not to believe within, and we should just believe in the strong dissertations, because we know nothing about many things, and art is not an intellectual way of thinking. We are just explaining what we are seeing, and we are trying to understand the reality, but there is not too much philosophy on it.

William Tell was told that if he failed to shoot it off with a single arrow at a distance of 120 paces, both he and the boy would be put to death, and he succeeded the challenge, and hence he was famous and popular in Switzerland, And the whole world knows it today, and we cannot claim to be anywhere, unless we are taken care of in careful ways, and we are just in life to fill our own defined functions of life.

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Sverre Larsen

Kristiansand, Norway


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