

"how lucky I am" Joe murmured licking his lips in a manner of inner satisfaction. He had just won a lottery and if that wasn't enough, he had just purchased a car at such a discount that if it wasn't that it happened to him, he wouldn't have believed it. He had left the house a poor broke guy, but just in a matter of hours, he's cruising home in his own car.

"How fast one's fortunes can change" he smiled smugly at himself honking incessantly at every creature that passed just to show off his newest baby as he called it.

"my enemies will finally bow to me" he thought feeling triumphant just as of one of his enemies walked by. Not one to miss any opportunities, he slid into a sinkhole and splashed dirty water on him. Joe was about to go down and pretentiously apologize when he thought "Naah, the rich don't go to the poor".

Then he resorted to his latest hobby and decided to honk over the old man. Joe wound down his windshield as the old man walked over unaware of who the culprit was.

"hey oldie" Joe started in his new found foreign accent as he puffed his shoulders and caressed his beard while maintaining one hand on the steering.

"Joe, so it's you that deliberately poured dirty water on me with a borrowed scrap?" oldie asked in dismay

"this ain't no sgrap oldie, itz my new baybee" he started "I jos got this beauri from my hard earned money" he said tapping the car in a prideful manner as a father would tap a son in whom he's proud of.

The old man burst out in a fit of mocking laughter, laughing so hard that his eyes got watery and he could've been mistaken for crying. Joe had to look around in confusion to be sure that he was the one being laughed at.

"you're a jobless and useless man, how would you be able to buy a car?" the old man asked jokingly

"You'll know when I buy your house and turn you into a tenant" Joe boasted as he sped off shoving the old man in the process. The oldie staggered backwards and was held up by the support of the pavement by the pedestrian walkway.

Still angry with the old man's words, Joe did not realize that he was driving above speed limit, and before he could realize it, he had drove into another sinkhole, this time unintentionally. There was some kind of protruding metal from the car grazing the road and causing light sparkles.

Joe got out of the car to inspect what had happened and was completely embarrassed and shocked at seeing that the engine had fallen from its sitting and was now hanging loose from the car.

"no this can't be right" Joe thought as he paced up the whole place frantically fiddling with his phone in an attempt to call a mechanic. He just purchased the car and it's practically impossible for it to be this bad.

Few minutes later, the auto mechanic arrived and had a survey of the vehicle.

"ah, sir, this your car is a plastered piece of scrap o" the mechanic started, "you should consider selling it" he advised

"sell what?" Joe snapped "I just bought this car today" he added gesturing to the car while bringing out the receipt from his pocket. After surveying the receipt, the mechanic asked how he was able to get the car so cheap.

Joe explained how he won a roadside lottery, with the organizers convincing him to purchase the car from them at a discounted price. The term of the deal being that he'll pay 50% of the money from his account, with the remaining 50% deducted from his winnings. It was too good a deal to be turned down, so he obliged, after which he received a credit alert for the balance of his earnings.

"you have been duped sir" the mechanic blurted out. "this car is a polished crap, and I'm sure that alert is fake as well. Check your account balance for confirmation"

Joe checked his account and it was true that he was duped. He knew he would never be able to trace the lottery guys. The money he used in paying for the car was his house rent and he had just humiliated his landlord a few moments ago. That was when he knew that he was doomed.

In just one day, he's been broke, rich, and broke again and worst of all, he has a dirty-water-stained, humiliated and angry landlord waiting for him at home.

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This story is very funny and sad, all at the same time, @diikaan. Pride often shows up in literature, and it is a great trait to use in character development, because we can all see ourselves and others in the depiction.

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Oh my! Joe is going to have to figure out how to smooth things over with his landlord, and get his finances back on track! I wish this didn't make me laugh, as I never like to find amusement in the failures of others, but it did! 😄


It's popularly said that pride comes before a fall. It's sad that Joe is about to find out the hard way. Let's just hope the landlord isn't as proud and petty as him


I feel kinda sorry for Joe for being duped but I also think he deserved what happened to him after acting all high and might just because he won a roadside lottery. Let's just hope that the landlord is more forgiving or Joe would not only end up broke but homeless as well.


Different issues, just made me remember I have to see my landlord today. I hope I don't end up like Joe.


Well that depends on your relationship with him and his sister


Honestly, there are a lot of lessons one can learn from this article. Please, my friend, continue with a good job! Weldon job!


Thank you brother for the kind words!
