Looking for fresh air, instead found pollution in the village


Urban people certainly look for comfortable and fresh air in the countryside in the morning. I often do this, especially when the rice planting season has arrived. The morning atmosphere in the rice fields, the sun shining on the plants and of course the green beauty of the rice plants which provides a stimulant for views that are already very tired in urban areas.

I traveled 4 km from home to be in the rice field area which is located several villages from where I live which is still on the edge of town. That morning I started my motorbike after morning prayers at home. Yes, the trip to see the sunrise is done after dawn, if you don't miss the moment you want to see.

Orang perkotaan sudah tentu mencari udara yang nyaman dan segar di pedesaan pada pagi hari. Hal ini sering aku lakukan, apalagi bila musim tanam padi telah tiba. Suasana pagi hari di persawahan, mentari menyinari tanaman dan tentu saja keindahan hijau tanaman padi yang memberi stimulan bagi pandangan yang sudah sangat penat di perkotaan.

Aku menempuh perjalanan 4 km dari rumah untuk berada di kawasan persawahan yang terletak beberapa desa dari tempat tinggal ku yang masih di pinggir kota. Pagi itu aku menyalakan sepeda motor usai shalat shubuh di rumah. Ya, perjalanan untuk bisa melihat sunrise memang usai shubuh dilakukan, jika tidak kehilangan moment yang ingin dilihat.




After going through the bone-chilling morning cold under the black jacket I was wearing, I arrived at the rice fields on the city border. The morning was still dark, even so the sunlight began to penetrate the clouds and its rays hit the earth.

For a moment I was amazed, without waiting long, I took out my Sony A6000 camera. I use a 55-210 mm lens. Even though it's not wide, I think this lens can work optimally to capture a number of moments that morning.

Setelah melalui dingin pagi yang menusuk tulang dibalik jacket hitam yang aku gunakan, aku pun tiba di persawahan yang berada di perbatasan kota. Pagi masih gelap, pun begitu binar mentari mulai menembus awan yang pancaran nya mengenai bumi.

Sejenak aku terkesima, tanpa menunggu lama, aku mengeluarkan kamera sony a6000 milikku. Aku menggunakan lensa 55-210 mm. Meski tidak wide, aku rasa lensa ini dapat bekerja maksimal untuk mengkapture sejumlah moment di pagi itu.





The light of the morning and the beauty of the color of the sky were very pleasing to the eye, especially as the occasional rice field breeze blew gently across my face, certainly adding to my enthusiasm for taking pictures with nature that morning.

Suddenly, my lens stopped for a moment while taking pictures, I looked towards the south, the clouds there looked different, like clouds of smoke that merged with beautiful clouds. I tried to pay attention and take some pictures, after I looked at them in detail; it looks like there is a factory that emits pollution and ruins this beautiful morning.

Remang pagi dan keindahan warna langit sangat memanjakan mata, apalagi sesekali angin persawahan berhembus sepoi mengenai wajahku, tentu menambah semangat mengambil gambar bersama alam pagi itu.

Tetiba, mata lensa ku terhenti sejenak ketika sedang mengambil gambar, aku melihat ke arah selatan, awan disana tampak berbeda, seperti kepulan asap yang menyatu bersama awan indah. Aku mencoba memperhatikan dan mengambil beberapa gambar, setelah aku perhatikan secara detail; sepertinya ada sebuah pabrik yang mengeluarkan polusi dan merusak pagi yang indah ini.




I didn't find out about the factory's existence at first. I was busy photographing the rice fields, there were farmers who were plowing the fields and would soon be planting rice. The egrets trying to look for worms in the rice fields, even the greenery of the coconut trees which are beautiful to the eye, as well as the farmers' plants which are starting to turn green, also don't escape the capture of my Sony A6000 lens.

Aku tidak mencari tahu tentang keberadaan pabrik itu pada awalnya. Aku sibuk memotret areal persawahan, ada petani yang sedang membajak sawah dan akan segera ditanami padi. Burung kuntul yang coba mencari cacing di areal persawahan, bahkan kehijauan pepohonan kelapa yang indah di pandang mata, begitupula tanaman petani yang mulai hijau juga tidak luput dari capture lensa sony a6000 milikku.







Finally, I was curious about the palm oil factory smoke that was ruining this beautiful morning. I tried to approach the location which was across the rice fields and was about 1 km from my previous position. I saw 3 thick chimneys there, but it seemed like only two of them were visible rising into the air. I took some fun pictures, with the majestic Mount Sala in the background. Suddenly, a security guard from the factory approached me, he reprimanded me and asked about the pictures I had taken. I also tried to explain to him while showing him several pictures. Instead of being angry, he actually seemed to like the pictures below and asked me to send them to him. In my opinion, he seemed to want to show the pictures to his son, while saying; kid! Here, in this factory, your father works.

Akhirnya, akupun penasaran dengan asap pabrik sawit yang merusak pagi yang indah ini. Aku mencoba mendekati lokasi nya yang berada di seberang sawah dan berjarak sekitar 1 km dari posisi aku tadi. Aku melihat ada 3 cerobong asap tebal disana, namun sepertinya hanya dua cerobong asap yang tampak mengepul ke udara. Aku mengambil beberapa gambar iseng, dengan background gunung sala yang megah. Tiba-tiba,seorang sekuriti dari pabrik itu menghampiriku, dia menegur dan bertanya tentang gambar-gambar yang aku ambil. Akupun mencoba menjelaskan padanya sembari memperlihatkan beberapa gambar padanya. Bukannya marah, ia malah tampak suka pada gambar-gambar dibawah dan memintaku untuk mengirimkan padanya. Menurutku, ia sepertinya ingin memperlihatkan gambar-gambar itu pada anaknya, sembari berkata; nak! disini, di pabrik ini bapakmu bekerja.







Well, friends of the Photography lovers Community, that's the story of "Morning Has Broken" that I felt that morning, beautiful nature polluted by various corporate wastes that only think about profit. Without them realizing the continuity of life around them. Hopefully this post is useful and friends enjoy it ✌

Nah, sahabat photography lovers community, itulah cerita "Morning has broken" yang aku rasakan pagi itu, alam yang indah dicemari berbagai limbah korporasi yang hanya memikirkan keuntungan semata. Tanpa mereka sadari keberlangsungan kehidupan disekitarnya. Semoga post ini bermanfaat dan teman-teman menikmatinya ✌

CameraSony @6000
CategoryNature Photography
LocationLhokseumawe, Aceh

Warm Regard

Marechausee Adventura 🙂
