Looking for Sunrise spot at the coastal area in my city


Lhokseumawe is a city surrounded by the Malacca Strait, but not all areas in the area can see the beautiful sunrise in the morning. I tried to look for some interesting spots this morning. However, in the middle of the journey, because I woke up late in the morning, sunrise suddenly rose on the eastern horizon.

Lhokseumawe adalah kota yang dikelilingi laut selat Malaka, namun tidak semua areal di kawasan itu dapat melihat Sunrise dengan indah di pagi hari. Aku mencoba untuk mencari beberapa spot yang menarik pagi tadi. Namun ditengah perjalanan dikarenakan aku terlambat bangun pagi, Sunrise keburu terbit.


I pulled over my motorbike, this area is not too far from the Lhokseumawe area fuel terminal or port which is managed by the state company "Pertamina".

Aku menepikan motorku, kawasan ini tidak terlalu jauh dari terminal atau port BBM wilayah Lhokseumawe yang dikelola perusahaan negara "Pertamina".


After pulling over the motorbike, I headed to the beach, there were several traditional fishermen who were preparing to go to sea. Sunrise started to appear, I took out my Sony @6000 mirrorless camera. I took some pictures immediately.

Setelah menepikan motor, aku menuju pantai, disana ada beberapa nelayan tradisional yang sedang bersiap untuk melaut. Sunrise mulai terlihat, aku mengeluarkan kamera Sony @6000 mirrorless milikku. Beberapa gambar aku ambil seketika.


Actually, I was confused about making the frame here, coincidentally my camera was still equipped with a 55-210 mm telephoto lens. I should have just used the default kit lens, so the image looked wider.

Sebenarnya aku sempat kebingungan dalam membuat frame disini, kebetulan kamera milikku masih terpasang lensa 55-210 mm telephoto. Seharusnya aku memakai lensa kit bawaan saja, jadi gambar tampak lebih wide.


Because of the mistakes I had made, changing the lens would take time, while the moment was continuing. Photographing sunrise can be said to be difficult if we don't prepare the gear we bring first. So, instead of me missing this beautiful moment this morning. I took several pictures of Sunrise this morning with less than optimal results.

Karena kesalahan yang sudah kubuat, untuk mengganti lensa tentu memakan waktu, sedangkan moment sedang terus berjalan. Memotret Sunrise memang terbilang sulit jika tidak mempersiapkan terlebih dahulu gear yang kita bawa. Jadi, dari pada aku melewatkan moment indah pagi ini. Aku mengambil beberapa gambar Sunrise pagi ini dengan hasil yang kurang maksimal.


I took it as a lesson, if there are no mistakes of course it is impossible to be correct at the next stage. That's my story about learning photography today. I hope my fellow photography lovers enjoy the images I share.

Aku menjadikannya sebagai pelajaran, jika tidak ada kesalahan tentu saja tidak mungkin bisa benar di tahapan selanjutnya. Itulah ceritaku belajar photography hari ini. Semoga teman-teman photography lovers menikmati gambar yang aku bagikan ini.


CameraSony @6000
CategoryGoldenhour Photography
LocationLhokseumawe, Aceh

Warm Regard

Marechausee Adventura 🙂


No medicine bro your pict.. Han neupakat lon..


Apotik closed bro...droneuh sibok that, segan bak tapakat 😅
