Morning vibes at the coastal area in my city


Every day, during the month of Ramadan, I spend time on the beach in the city center. I work as a culinary entrepreneur in my city, because I close the food stall before dawn, I use the morning before bed to enjoy the sunrise on the beach. I call it self-healing, yes that's what it is!

Setiap hari, selama bulan Ramadhan aku menghabiskan waktu di tepi pantai pusat kota. Aku bekerja sebagai pengusaha kuliner di kota ku, karena aku tutup warung makan jelang shubuh hari, aku memanfaatkan waktu pagi sebelum tidur untuk menikmati Sunrise di tepi pantai. Aku menyebutnya sebagai self healing, ya begitulah!

I started opening the food stall at 16.00 WIB, we prepared an iftar menu for consumers. The business only closed briefly, when our community performed Isha and taraweh prayers. Next, I opened it until morning before dawn.

Aku mulai buka warung makan pada pukul 16.00 wib, kami menyiapkan menu berbuka puasa kepada konsumen. Usaha tersebut hanya tutup sebentar, ketika masyarakat kami melaksanakan shalat isya dan taraweh. Selanjutnya, aku membukanya hingg pagi jelang shubuh.

Arriving at the beach, I didn't have to wait long for sunrise to appear on the eastern horizon. Before sunrise, I was able to photograph the traditional fishermen who were active there. Traditional fishermen actually work after morning prayers, they anchor their land trawlers using boats. Usually these traditional fishermen have 8 to 12 members whose job is to pull the trawl ashore along with their catch.

Tiba di pantai, aku tidak perlu lama untuk menantikan Sunrise muncul di ufuk timur. Sebelum Sunrise tiba, aku bisa memotret nelayan tradisional yang beraktivitas disana. Nelayan tradisional memang sudah bekerja usai shalat shubuh, mereka melabuhkan pukat darat menggunakan perahu. Biasanya nelayan tradisional ini memiliki anggota 8 s/d 12 orang yang bertugas menarik pukat ke darat disertai hasil tangkapan mereka.







The long-awaited time arrived, the round sun began to appear on the eastern horizon. Seagulls started circling the fishermen's trawls, it seemed like there were lots of fish in their nets. I kept pressing the shutter button on my camera. I don't want to miss the beautiful sunrise moment this morning.

Waktu yang dinantikan pun tiba, matahari yang bulat mulai tampak di ufuk timur. Camar-camar mulai mengitari pukat nelayan, sepertinya ada banyak ikan dalam jaring mereka. Aku terus menekan tombol shutter kamera milikku. Aku tidak ingin kehilangan moment Sunrise yang indah di pagi ini.

Sunrise begins to appear at 06.30 WIB. The red is very blush. I enjoyed every movement behind the cloudy clouds. Luckily there were fishermen there who were guarding the trawl line, the seagulls also seemed to complete the frame of the picture.

Sunrise mulai muncul pada pukul 06.30 wib. Merahnya sangat merona. Aku menikmati setiap pergerakannya di balik awan mendung itu. Beruntung sekali ada nelayan disana yang sedang menjaga tali pukat, camar-camar juga serasa melengkapi frame gambar tersebut.





Only a few minutes later, sunrise began to feel contrasting, the strong light made the atmosphere red. I kept pressing click on my camera. I really don't want to miss any second of it.

Hanya berselang beberapa menit saja, Sunrise mulai terasa kontras, cahaya yang kuat membuat suasana memerah. Aku terus menekan click pada kamera milikku. Aku benar-benar tidak ingin melewatkan setiap detiknya.





Sunrise is getting brighter, fishing trawlers are starting to arrive on land. I continued to take photos of the pretty cool atmosphere this morning. The sun is really bright this March. Luckily, in my city which is surrounded by ocean, I can easily get a view of a moment like this by just waiting for it on the beach in the city center.

Sunrise semakin cerah, pukat nelayan pun mulai tiba di daratan. Aku terus memotret suasana yang cukup keren di pagi ini. Matahari memang sedang begitu cerah di bulan Maret ini. Beruntungnya, di kota ku yang dikelilingi lautan, dengan mudah aku bisa mendapatkan view moment seperti ini dengan hanya menantikannya di tepi pantai pusat kota.

The fishermen's cries began to sound loud, they worked hand in hand to ensure that the fish did not escape from their nets. In a day, the fishermen are able to anchor 10 to 12 land seines in the shallow sea at the edge of the city.

Suara terikan nelayan mulai terdengar keras, mereka saling membahu mengusahakan ikan tidak lepas dari jaring mereka. Dalam sehari, nelayan itu mampu melabuhkan 10 hingga 12 kali pukat darat di laut dangkal tepi kota.

I really enjoyed the traditional fishing activities there, especially when the sunrise atmosphere was so beautiful. I think this is the coolest morning vibes I've seen in the last few days.

Aktivitas nelayan tradisional disana sangat aku nikmati, apalagi suasana Sunrise jug begitu indah. Aku rasa ini morning vibes terkeren yang aku lihat beberapa hari terakhir.







Even though the sun was starting to shine so hard, I didn't want to stop taking photos. I tried making another frame, the reflection of sunlight in the sea water was no less interesting. The golden color started to light up, I just had to wait for the object to come to the focus position that I had locked earlier.

Meski matahari mulai begitu keras cahayanya, aku terasa tidak mau berhenti memotret. Aku mencoba membuat frame lainnya, pantulan cahaya matahari di air laut juga tidak kalah menarik. Warna keemasan mulai menyala, aku hanya tinggal menunggu objek yang datang di posisi fokus yang sudah aku kunci tadi.

Not long ago, a fishing boat was seen circling the water around the reflection of the light. It looks like there are lots of fish there, they seem to keep circling there. I took a number of these pictures. I feel like the morning vibes this morning are very complete, and I'm sharing it here with Photography lover friends, and I hope you enjoy it 😅✌

Tidak lama berselang, sebuah perahu nelayan terlihat mengitari air diseputaran pantualan cahaya tadi. Sepertinya ada banyak ikan disana, ia terlihat terus berputar-putar disana. Aku mengambil sejumlah gambar tersebut. Terasa morning vibes pagi ini sangat komplit, dan aku membagikan nya disini bersama teman-teman Photography lovers, dan I hope you enjoy it 😅✌







CameraSony @6000
LocationLhokseumawe, Aceh

Warm Regard

Marechausee Adventura 🙂


Great pictures. The silhouettes of the boat and the man look beautiful.


Incredible shots! Each image has its own story. I like the following one because the fisherman is battling the sea with his full strength


All the way 'till the sun goes down, and they're still braving the waves. Nice!

