Coherence between Speech and Action.

First of all I want to give a big greeting to all the friends of hive and especially to the members of this prestigious community. Today I want to share with all of you this publication related to the coherence that should exist between what we speak and the actions we take in our lives.

Each individual is a world, but in life the most important thing is to be correct and clear when doing things, in the right way, there are many contradictions and difficulties, but the most important thing is to be consistent with what we say and do.

Therefore in the professional field, if we say that we have some technical knowledge in some processes, the ideal is that it is so that if you need those services you can execute them professionally for the resolution of certain labor inconvenience, so that it is an essential element in the organization and can be counted on at a certain time..

This can also happen on a personal level, many times we tell our friends that we are available for any support and when we need it, our answer is "I can't", always objecting to some verifiable excuse.

It is important to be able to maintain a straight conduct, that friends, family and acquaintances know who you really are, and not that person who is unpredictable with his actions, and the criterion of responsibility will be lost and you will not be taken into account as a serious person, committed and dedicated to things.

To conclude, we can mention that maintaining a personality that is constantly changing without control of what we say and do can lead us to dangerous situations even of life, since by deception and lies other people are not willing to endure, even more if they are economic situations due to the global rececioin of the same.


Hola amigo bendiciones, es muy cierto hay que tener coherencia con lo que decimos y hacemos. no podemos pretender ser Luz para la calle y oscuridad para la casa, todo debe de tener un sentido común y cuando perdemos la credibilidad ante las personas que nos aman y aprecian se hace difícil la convivencia y se pierde el respeto.
