Happy 50'th Anniversary HipHop 💯

Happy Birthday Hip-Hop!!

50 Years Ago Today 1973 in the Bronx DJ Kool Herc started spinning Break Beats to the Bboys back to back and for the MC's to Rap to...and That Evolved into not only a huge culture and Industry but also the most influential music ever...

Wishing all you Hip-Hop heads, artists and supporters a Happy Birthday! And on this note and in celebration for this occasion I will leave you with one of my latest collaborations with Louie C where I laid down the DJ scratches on his track titled 'Hip Hop Thing'

You can also check out more of my music on my Spotify

(Unsupported https://open.spotify.com/embed/track/3DSdoAg4lpTJ0ug447qIi6?utm_source=generator)
(Unsupported https://open.spotify.com/embed/album/2nBb9jqi1zzejV8MwWYmmA?utm_source=generator)

Peace, Love, Unity and Having Fun ✌️
