Cutting out frosted flakes!

Making changes to help my health. I had actually cut out cold cereals for a long time. After having covid they just never tasted good again until just recently.

I am starting to like a few of them again but I am going to cut it out before I go back to eating them all the time.

I ate cold cereal for most breakfasts for 90% of my life.


I am excited to change to a more complete breakfast. I will probably switch off between the following breakfasts

  1. Protein smoothie with fresh fruit

  2. eggs and toast

  3. oatmeal - I like both over night oats and hot oatmeal.

  4. When I am feeling rich some chickfila

I know there are some healthier cold cereals but to be honest I have not found one that I like and I would rather eat the above and be happy with my breakfast.

What do you eat for breakfast?
