A New Painting and Story in my Animal Series today we have : Enoch Acorn, Train Porter extraordinaire


Enoch straightened his cap. The uppity servant type who just departed the third class car in piles of luggage had motioned to him...He knew the type.

"Yes'm", He smiled, knowing the tip from this creature's "Lady" would be worth it. And most certainly such creatures as this: third class passengers trumped up in last season's hats and overcoats, done up with delft hands, always meant lots of work. And sometimes a good tip would follow.

He scrambled with the cart, adjusting his cap again, knowing it'd got askew with the heavy crates he'd just helped load into a waiting carriage. The work was honest and hard, but he felt lucky.

Enoch Acorn came from good stock. His family had been farmers. Tho they never owned the land,they were a proud lot none the less. His Father was Game-keeper for Lady P Soft-Paw up at the Big House. Sometimes, in season, he'd act as a beater with the local boys. He'd sneak up, after their luncheon on blankets with hampers filled with potted pheasants and expensive wines, and dream.

His Father said he was a fool being a porter, but Enoch felt if he was next to the gentry, something might rub off.

"Get a move on Boy!" shouted the Lady's Maid. Enoch hurried over with his little trap cart.

"One day," He dreamed, He'd like to be a clerk in a bank or an office. A job with a quiet space, a window to look out, and no heavy loads to haul.

This dream faded as he began hoisting the boxes and leather cases trying to smile at but also ignore the Lady's Maid.

"Cranston", came a lovely melodic voice and Enoch saw this must be the Lady to which this creature belonged. She was lovely; soft as her voice and gentle. He could tell she was old family; from the well made shoes, to the slightly tattered brooch on her overcoat that was most likely handed down and not bought on Bond Street, like the uppity New money...They never tipped well.

He smiled and tipped his cap with a "Mi'Lady" to the lovely creature and happily took the coin from her very own kid-gloved hand. Yes, she was Old Family, she put the money, herself, in his hand. It was the up themselves "new money" who'd roll in, bark orders, and make the "staff" hand out their meagre tips.

Enoch Acorn hoped this Lady was going to stick about the area for sure, she was a good'n, as his Father would say.

Well, today's new painting in my Series is Enoch Acorn, chipmunk Train porter.


Enoch Acorn before his color is added.

I'm still having such fun with my illustrations and the little stories I'm making up for them. These last three characters have started to rather blend with one another.

If you recall the last two art pieces and story had characters mentioned in Enoch's story.

Last post had Cranston, Lady's Maid which you can read Here.

And Her "lady" is in the previous post that you can read Here.

He also mentions Lady Soft Paw, whose artwork and story is Here.

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A few of the layers if GIF form.

I'm still rather busy, with the season not quite over for me with my little rental cottage and family out ,but I am trying to keep up with these little fellows and their stories. Their lives come into my imagining as I'm sitting listening to family tell me of their coming plans and such. I'm secretly excited, however, to have the season end and have the lovely quiet and silence of a seaside summer house in Winter...blissful quiet.


Thank you for reading my little stories and looking at my little scribbles and I hope you do enjoy them as much as I enjoy making them.

I hope you find a moment in your day to indulge in your own passions a few seconds to dream some happy thoughts. Until next time, remember to stay creative!

If you'd like to follow my Work Here are some Links:

My Ladies with Pets Series as prints and on things

Bunny Portraits

